Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Colton- 13/14 Months

Holy cow you are 14 months old.  I can't believe how big you are.  It seems like you turned one and became a little boy and no longer a baby.  You still want to do everything your big brother does!  Plus, recently you guys really started playing well with each other.  You will chase each other and run and laugh.  You are very ticklish and laugh as the though of being tickled.  Your laugh is the best I have ever heard!  You laugh at the most random things, like if I look at you when you in your car eat while we are driving.  Your belly laugh is one of my most favorite things, with you cheeks coming in at a close second!  I have never seen cutter cheeks in all my life.  Here are a few things I want to remember about you:
  • You have NO FEAR!!  You will try almost anything which I like but it makes me nervous for future ER visits.  Speaking of no fear- you loved the pool this year, you would just dive right in and were not scared to go under at all!  You also loved the splash pad and the 1ft/2ft pool at the local waterpark!
  • You jabber all the time.  The main words that I can make out are: mama, dada, papa, ball, jump, Chachy, thank you & peek a boo.  I swear you say mine and Erica (your babysitter) too.
  • You walk or run everywhere!  The other day you fell down and started to crawl then got back up because you are a lot faster at walking.  You can pretty much keep up with Frankie and enjoy doing everything with him!!
  • You can climb lots of things and are really good at climbing up the steps.  I think you will be un-stoppable once your legs get a little bit longer.
  • You love to dance!  Let me tell you it is adorable to watch you dance.  You get really excited when you hear music and you start flapping your hands and then you move up and down and even "jump", which mainly consists of squatting down and coming back up with your hands in the air!!
  • You love to play but don't really have a favorite toy yet.  usually you are most interested in what Frankie is playing with.  When we play downstairs you like the slide the best though.  You can walk up the slide or climb with the steps and recently started sitting to slide down instead of walking off and then falling.
  • You love your paci and your blankets that you sleep with.  you carry one blanket around almost all weekend but Mrs. Erica says you don't really use it at her house much.
  • You take a morning nap and afternoon nap throughout the week, but your morning nap is really short.  On the weekends you usually only take an afternoon nap because we are always out and about.
  • You are my rock star sleeper.  You go down for bed anywhere from 7-7:30 pm and get up anywhere from 5:45-6:45 am!  You sometimes wake up here and there but you always put yourself back to sleep.  Some mornings you will play in your bed form up to 20 minutes before you yell to get out and other mornings the second you wake up you want out.
  • It seems like you are eating constantly!!  You love almost any kind of food but, you really don't seem to like to eat veggies.  You love peaches, pears, hot dogs, mac & cheese, goldfish, marshmallows, grapes, bread and pancakes.  You are a big meat eater, you are usually ready for more by the time daddy & I sit down to eat.  You will only eat food that is in bigger bites.  If it is cut up to small you will not eat it, I learned that the hard way!  Lol!
  • No more bottles in this house!  Shortly after you turned one we took your daytime bottles away and only did one morning and night.  Around 13 months we took away your morning bottle and as long as we give you a sippy cup of milk in the morning you are fine.  Last week was your last night time bottle (9/3/13)!!  Honestly you gave it up yourself but I forced it for several more days.  Clearly change is a lot harder on mama than baby!
  • You are wearing 18 month clothing and a size 3 diaper.
  • I think you still only have 4 teeth that have made it all the way down.  You have been chewing on things and drooling like crazy for months now but it's hard for me to feel into your mouth without getting bit.
  • I haven't weighed you in a few months but I would guess you are about 20 pounds.

Sweet boy, you mean so much to us!!  I can't even imagine life without you.  You birng us so much joy and happiness!!  I pray that you and Frankie grow up being best friends and of course that you always stay a mama's boy!  I love you to the moon and back!!  Keep smiling and stay happy!!  Love you!!

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