Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!
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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring is Finally Here

It seems like winter last a lot longer this year.  Maybe it's just because we are loving being outside right now, but I am ready for it to stay warm.  I mean it's almost May and we don't even have our plants outside yet.  The boys love everything about being outside.  I love the fresh air and the sun.  We have taken advantage of every nice day we have had so far.  I think I already have a little bit of a tan too!  We have been taking walks in the evening.  Playing at the park and school playground on the weekend.  Frankie is also loving playing in the mulch on the playground and picking up and playing in any rock bed he can find.  A few weekends ago it was a beautiful Sunday afternoon so my dad (Papa) and I took Frankie to the park while my mom kept Colton at their house while he napped.  Poor guy we always go do the fun stuff while he is napping, I am sure by the time summer hits he will be ready to go everywhere with us.  I brought my camera just in case Frankie did something cute! :)
Batman to the rescue

Best buddies

My favorite channel to watch!

Photo bombed by this adorable little guy with glasses.

He didn't want to slide down this slide.  LOL this kid and all of his PERSONALITY!!  I can't say much unfortunately he gets it from me.

Like I said, he loves playing in the mulch!!

Then we went to the creek to throw rocks.

Every time he would throw a rock he would say "body slam", I sometimes have no idea where he gets these things from.

 We tried, right!  The life with boys!! :)

Then when we got home, this little angle was full of smiles!

Loving the warm days and can't wait for them to stick around forever!!!  I know soon enough I will be complaining about how hot it is but at this point I don't even care! ;)

Colton - 9 Months

Another month older, every month you get a little closer to being one (CRAZY).  You sure have grown this past month.  You are into EVERYTHING and moving around so well.  You are getting so big so fast!  I feel like things happened a little slower when big brother was your age, but you are watching him and it seems like you are growing up a lot faster.  Here are a few things I want to remember about you at 9 months old:
*  You have 2 teeth on the bottom, no new teeth have come in yet.
*  You started crawling.  You are still pretty slow but you can get where ever you need or want to go.  I often find you in Frankie's room by his books. 
*  You have started pulling up but not very often and it take you a long time to get up.  Once you are up you either fall down or cry because you don't know how to get down.
*  You are sleeping great at night.  You usually sleep from 7 pm to 5:30/6 am.  That is not to bad.  You do not like to snuggle though.  Once we feed you for bed you like us to lay you down almost immediately.  The same with naps, we just lay you down and leave the room.  You are sleeping with a burp cloth that we call your "baby".  You love all of your babies so much!  You are also still sleeping with a paci but you usually don't cry out for it if it's not in your month and you can fall asleep without it.
*  You gabber, grunt and growl a lot.  You still have only said da da. 
*  You are loving puffs.  We still break them in half for you because you seem to get choked on them sometimes.
*  You take 5- 6 to 7 oz bottles a day.  You also get 3 "meals" a day:
Breakfast- rice cereal
Lunch- fruit
Dinner- veggie with meat
*  You are still wearing a size 2 diaper (can't believe that).  You are in 9-12 month clothing but can still wear 6-9 month onesies.
*  You had your 9 month check up a little early (3/28/13).  You were 17 lbs 11 oz and 27 inches long.  I think in the 30 percentile for both.
(Pictures are becoming increasingly harder to get.....he is always on the move.  LOL)
This was the only picture I got of him sitting still and he's not even looking at me.

I have 10 of these :)

Thought the floor might work better (so at least he wouldn't fall out of the chair), but it just made him want to crawl.

Pulled up all by himself

Getting brave.
Well I hope I didn't forget anything about this sweet little month but since I am so late I only have 2 short weeks until your 10 month post. :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sunday.....Earth Day

When I was little and in Girl Scouts I always remember planting a tree around Earth Day. We didn't plant a tree this year but I need to look into doing that for next year. I did talk to Frankie about why we recycle and other "green" things.

Since I don't stay home with the boys durning the week I always like to do fun stuff on the weekends with them. I have been looking on Pinterest for fun spring activities because I want to do more projects with the boys. We get home after work we never feel like doing anything but some night Frankie needs a project instead of just playing. Hopefully that thought will continue. I have tons of Pins on learning while playing so hopefully Frankie and Colton will enjoy them.

On Sunday we made a globe and a tree out of tissue paper for Earth Day!

It seems like we are never home mainly because Trey is home sleeping and we are really loud. Lol! This weekend was no different! :) Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day outside. We spend almost all day outside at my parents house.

Frankie road his trike for the first time. He wasn't crazy about it but we need a flat surface and I think he might like it better.

Of course I had to make sure it was safe for the kid. Lol!

We took a walk. (I have sun glasses on which is why he is looking at me like this)

Played at my old elementary school down the street from my parents house.

They have a much cooler set up these days. But I got to say I got on the monkey bars and was scared to death to even try some of the things I remember doing in there.

He loves to slide!! Of course it was time to go and he kept asking to do it just "one more time mom", how can you say no to that smile!!

What a big boy!! He will be walking in a matter of months! CRAZY to think about.

Frankie is loving snakes right now. I find this super hilarious mainly bc Trey HATES them with a passion. He gets chills from even the fake ones.

We had a great Sunday!! Can't wait for another great day to play outside!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Easter 2013

Trey's brother, wife and son stayed with us Easter Eve so it was so fun waking up and celebrating Colton & Landen 1st Easter together.  They are both crawling so they wanted to get into everything.  We had a jam packed, super fun day!!  First we had Easter basket fun, an egg hunt, church, family pictures, Easter at Ningee & Papa's and then another Easter dinner at Mimi & Papa Gus' house.

The boys checking out Frankie's Easter basket

Colton checking out what the Easter bunny brought for him

Hunting eggs.

A little dino fight.


The boys reading Colton's new book.

Boyer family photo.  Considering the amount of ppl/kids this is pretty good!
Our little family!!  I love all my boys so much!

Buddy, Aunt Lou, Landen & Uncle Jermey

We had about 15 with Frankie making faces.............

And 1 good one!!

Seth and Aunt Katie

Papa Gus & Mimi with all their grandbabies

Colton's First Easter shot.  He was pretty much ready for a nap.

Hunting eggs and Nignee & Papa's

Seeing what's in the eggs

The best before shot we could get.....

Checking out all the goodies.

My sweet little Easter bunny.

Checking out the basket from Nanny & Dave..

Good stuff!!

Sweet girl!

Love this fat cheeks

So big!

Celebrating my birthday while everyone was home!

Make a wish!!

He has Risen!!  Hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Easter.