Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!

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Friday, August 30, 2013

The Circus........Or Lack There Of

I have been wanting to take Frankie to the circus since last year but missed when Ringling Bros were in town.  I thought Frankie and Colton would love it.  When I heard of Whirling Bros Circus was going to be in town I knew we had to go.  The flyer made it seem like it was going to be pretty much like the Ringling Bros, little did I know what we were in store for.  We went to the 4:30 showing, we park and get out, waited in line and then realize it outside!!  Of course it was a high of 95 degrees but felt like 1000 degrees, we find some seat and watch the show.  I am not going to sugar coat this, it was lame.  I saw very few cool things, I was super disappointed now I want even more to going to the Ringling Bros in October when they are in STL.  Frankie seemed to enjoy it a little bit and Colton has a blast walking around!  We as parents sucked it up and made the best of it and left early!!

My boys!

This is what yall missed out on, be jealous!!

Look at that little face!

Those cheeks!

He was a dancing machine!

Yep folks it was hot enough to have CRAZY hair!

From this picture it appears that Trey and I were having the most fun!!

After the circus we went and had dinner out because Frankie wanted to go to a "restaurant" and honestly I was so hot, tired and hungry!!!  Our brave boy trying a lemon!!!

Why did I do that twice!!  LOL!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Nikon...........

Ok I couldn't think of a title.  The other day I picked up my camera and realized that it had been over a month since I had used it.  That makes me so sad, I use to be so good and would use it more than my phone.  It's just that I always have my phone, no matter what!  I have been able to caputure so many fun moments with it!!  I took a camera class a few months ago and honestly I couldn't tell you anything about it.  I would love to know how to acually use my camera.  I am going to try to make that a piroity this winter.  It seems like things are more calm in the winter, maybe it's just because we don't have any other fun summer things to go out and do.  Anyway the other day I spent a whole evening just following the boys around.  I how watching them and trying to figure out how their little minds work!!

Yummy corn bread!

This SMILE!!!

No more pictures mom!

He clearly doesn't understand the concept.....haha!!

He regreted it right after he did it.

Purple sidewalk chalk does not taste good in case anyone was wondering.

I promise his arms aren't broken!
So much fun playing outside but I think I am ready for some (more) fall weather.  It's been to dang hot this week!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Waterpark fun!!

Trey is off this weekend (finally) and it was so HOT that we wanted to take full advantage of that go to the waterpark. This was Colton's first time, he was very unsure when we first got there and was only happy if I was holding him. Frankie was having a blast just running around in the splash pad area. Just as I am thinking we paid $22 to get in and now we are going to have to turn around and leave Colton reaches to get down. Once he got down, he was unstoppable and loved every second of it! Once we got over to the 1ft/2ft pool Colton would walk and then just dive into the water and go all the way under. Every time we would pull him up he would have a big smile on his face. That boy is fearless!!

Such a fun afternoon. Hopefully we can go back 1 more time before summer is officially over!! Love these too little guys to the moon and back!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Lake Time

Sunday morning we got up and played at Jeremy and Laura's for a little bit before heading to the lake. They were given this awesome bounce house! The boys had so much fun!! Yes, I allowed Frankie to bounce in his underwear!! ;) It started sprinkling so we packed up the car and headed to the lake house, with our fingers crossed that it would clear up! Lucky for us it did and it was a beautiful day!!

Trey's parent bought a lake house a while back and renovated the inside and bought a pontoon boat earlier this summer! We have gone several time and the kids always have a blast. This past Sunday was no different!! We were on the boat from about 12-3, Colton was non stop running around! Frankie had a blast helping daddy fish, chilling with Mimi and eating snacks.

Neither one liked the water, but they both begged to get in.

Uncle Jeremy caught a fish!! Frankie was so interested in watching him. I think it might be time we take him fishing.

Can't wait to head back to the lake house soon!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone