Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Frankie- 4 Year Post

Since we have now pasted the terrible 2 and 3s, the 4s have seems to bring a softer side to you!  You have always been sweet but you are my child, for sure!!  You have always loved Colton but the past few weeks you have be extra caring and loving towards him.  You often help him and can clam him down when he is upset.  Just recently you have been more independent and a very good listener.  You are an amazing little boy and are learning so many new things!  Here are some things we want to remember about you:
  • You LOVE Spiderman, like obsessed.
  • You like going to the movies and you do a pretty good job at sitting still and watching.  You also think you are hot stuff with you very own popcorn and drink!
  • You love to swing, go to the park and play in the creek!
  • You love your Spiderman hat and sunglasses, you would wear then all day long if we let you.  (See bullet point number one)
  • You are talking like crazy!  You can speak full sentences and are a very good at telling stories.  You have a huge vocabulary but some of your favorites are poo poo butt, booger face, etc. :/
  • You have a better memory than me, which is scary!  You can remember things that you did last summer which is just amazes to me!
  • You have a super fun imagination.  I love watching you play and pretend!
  • You are starting to really like being independent and do thing all by yourself! 
  • You like to watch Mickey Mouse and Jake & the Neverland Pirates, you also like bigger kid cartoons but we rarely watch them because Colton isn't too interested in those yet.
  • You still nap at Mrs. Erica's but you never nap at home, like EVER!  If you fall asleep in the car on the way home from something you will either wake up right when I get you out of the car or you will sleep a little longer on the couch.  If I have to wake you, you are usually a bear and will scream and cry for a while.
  • You are fully potty trained and have been for close to a year.  
  • I'd say your favorite movies right now are Cars and Frozen.  You can pretty much sing every son in the movie! :)
  • Favorite foods: Honestly I am not really sure.  You love ice cream, pizza, pop tarts, fruit- peaches, pears, mandarin oranges, strawberries, grapes, apples & bananas.  You like most veggies too.  I typically don't make a different meal for you to eat so you eat what we eat.
  • Sine we are on the food subject, sometimes it like pulling teeth to get you eat.  You are usually to busy talking or stalling to eat.  Pretty much every night we have to force you to eat and you are always the last on at the table.
  • You have become the master at stalling especially at bedtime.  You have to pee, then you need a drink of water, then you just want to talk, then you need to say goodnight to daddy then you need a drink of water, etc.  You also seem to ask a question about every page in the book, bedtime has gone from 15 minutes to 45 minutes. :)
  • You recently started sleeping with a little box fan on at night.  I put it in there one night when it was storming and now you need it on every night.  I am fine with it though, we all have some short of white noise that we sleep with now!
  • You know your full name as Franklin Boyer IV and you also know that you live in Jackson, MO .
  • You are a little behind in your gross & fine motor skills but we are working on ways to improve on those.  Plus you are starting your new school today at Eagle Ridge.  Hopefully that will help you be a little more active.  I think you will do great there and will learn so much!!
  • You wear 4t underwear, 2t/3t shorts/pants and 3t/4t shirts.
  • Doctor stats: You weigh 30 lbs 6 oz and are 38 inches tall which are both in the 10th percentile for your age.  They also said that you have 20/20 version.

 You are so much fun to be around and I love watching you learn and gross.  It's hard to believe that you are already FOUR years old!!  It seems like you were just my small newborn baby and before we know it we are going to be sending you to college!  I love you "too much!"  God truly blessed us by giving making us your parents!!

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