Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Colton- 21/22 Months

Well mister, I think it is safe to say that you have hit your terrible twos a little early.  You are still such a sweetie but you have quit the attitude!  You know what you want, when you want it.  You have become the master of throwing temper tantrums.  You will throw yourself down and scream and cry and if we leave the room you will get up and come where every we are and start again.  Timeout seems to be working and you actually do pretty good for being one.  When we talk to you about why you were in timeout you always say "yes ma'am!"  You still love being around Frankie and doing everything that he does.  You guys have become best friends it seem like and you really try to take care of each other.  Don't get me wrong you guys still pushing, hit and take things away but it's mostly love.  Here are a few things we want to remember about you:

  • You are talking like CRAZY.  You can put multiple words together when asking for something.  You can remember the names of the people you see a lot.  We can pretty much understand every word you say.  Each day you seem to know something new.
  • You love playing ball and swinging.  Pretty much anything outside will work for you though.
  • You are a pretty good listener and can follow simple instructions.
  • You love the ABC song and have really been trying to sing it lately.  You also love the "Let it Go" song from the movie Frozen.  You will belt out "let it go" quite often even though those are the only words to the song you know.
  • You are fearless and willing to try anything.  You love jumping off stuff on to other stuff. An example would be from the ottoman to the couch.
  • You play independently really well.  You can play with hot wheels by the window for a good 30 minutes before you need something or want to play something else.
  • You love mummies (gummies, like fruit snacks) and request them often.
  • You still love your paci and babies so much!  I have been tried to cut back on your paci but you always ask for it and I can't resist your cuteness!
  • You are still taking 1 nap in the afternoon and sleeping through the night.  You have also slowed down on the "head banging," I have really only noticed you doing it when you get up in the morning.
  • You haven't been much of an eater lately.  You snack some but breakfast and dinner have been pretty iffy.  Sometimes you don't even touch your dinner.  I am thinking it is either teeth or ears because you have also been pretty cranky.
  • You are also pretty picky about how your food is given to you and your preferences change constantly.  You currently like your banana out of the peel but it has to be the entire banana or you won't eat it.  You also won't eat something if it's broken in half.  Let's say you are given a whole pop tart and it somehow breaks you will take that said broken pop tart and crumble it up and throw it.  You have gotten really bad about spilling things intentionally or throwing it if you don't want it anymore.
  • You are in size 4 diapers, 24 months/2t shirts and 18/24 months shorts.
  • Not really sure how much you weigh but my guess is around 26 lbs.

Sweet boy, we love you so much!  You bring so much joy to our lives everyday!  You keep us on our toes that's for sure.

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