Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!
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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Jaxson Reid- 2 Years Old

Jaxson Reid Turns 2!!!

It's hard to believe that my sweet little baby is two years old.  Time is flying.  From day one Jaxson has always wanted to be treated like a big boy.  He wants to do everything that his brothers do.  He tries his best to keep up with them and for the most part they enjoy him playing with them.  Frankie & Colton pretty much think his is royalty and fight over him often.  They love Jaxson snuggles, which are pretty hard to come by because he doesn't like when they touch him or lay on him.  He is through and through a mama's boys though!  He is literally glued to my him when we are home or out and about.  He does do well with other if I am not there though.  Papa is a close second and Ningee is inching her way in too.  He loves school and thinks he is BIG stuff!  I'm pretty sure they let him run the show most days.  He enjoys eating; it's seriously his most favorite thing to do!!  His favorite foods include: gold fish, raisins, popcorn, ice cream, pears, mac & cheese, spaghetti, fruit snacks and really anything else.  he follows directions well and knows where most of his body parts are.  He loves to sing and sings along to most of the songs in the car.  He loves books, he likes being read to and looking at books on his own.  If you ever can't find him at home, he is probably sitting somewhere reading.  His current favorite book is "Don't Push the Button."  It gets tons of giggles out of him.  He is very much a little Frankie and if he doesn't want to do something he will refuse to do it.  Speaking of, he HATES to get his teeth brushed.  He will cry, scream and gag himself every time.............it's super fun everyday!  He is still not a fan of the word no, so he doesn't get told it very often.  He is a fun, loving, sweet, caring little boy.  You are wearing 2T shirts, 18 months pants & size 5 diapers.  
You weigh 25.4 lbs and are 32 inches tall.

I am so grateful to have been chosen as his mommy!  Jaxson Reid, I love you so much!!!

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