Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Discovery Park of America

A few weekends ago we went on a road trip to Union City, TN with the White's.  We had been planning this trip for what seems like a year and we had to keep changing the date.  It was a short trip and so much fun exploring this huge park.

Jaxson was watching the movie & Colton was sad he didn't get to pick the movie.

We're here!

Jaxson was hot & tired.

Frankie telling me how much he wants to do that big slide....

Turned out it was terrifying...

and totally not fun!!

Molly giving Papa Dave some sweet snuggles.

This thing knew their names and thought that was SO cool!

Fun memories made with some of our best friends!!  Hopefully there will be many more roadtrips to come!

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