Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!
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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Colton- 5 Months

Wow it's hard to believe that 5 months have already passed (close to 6 now, haha).  You are such a chunky, happy baby.  I can't believe how fast you are growing up.  Your personality is really starting to form and you always give the biggest smiles!
Here are a few things we want to remember about you:
*  You can roll over from back to belly and belly to back.  You did this for the first time while Mommy and Daddy were out of town (12/1/12) but you haven't stopped since.
* You love to talk and smile.  You now make all kinds of sounds, some high and some low.  You laugh at us when we make funny sounds, faces or tickle you.
*  You still love to watch TV and brother Frankie play.  This is a life saver when I am trying to get everything ready in the morning.
* You love your bouncy seat, your feet and hands never stop moving.  You also really love you activity mat.  You will play on your back for a while and then roll over to your belly and look around and then cry because you want to be back on your back.  I have seen you roll over several times from you back to your belly but you choose to have someone help you instead.  Also while on your belly you bring your knees up like you are wanting to crawl. 
*  We are still keeping you swaddled at night even though you can roll over, we have tried to break you but with you skin issues you just itch at your face and head all night and then your skin is horrible in the morning.
*  You skin broke out with really bad eczema which was basically head to toe.  You looked pitiful.  We took you to the doctor and he had some blood work done and a stomach ultra sound.  Blood work showed that you had horrible allergies but everything else came back normal. (Praise the Lord)  After that he had us start to give you a water bath every day using soap only when dirty, a prescription cream and a special lotion to use 3 times a day.  Lastly we start to only use nutramigen formula (we were doing half nutramigen and half soy) and cut all baby food out for 5 days.  Your skin finally started to clear up.
*  You are taking 6-7, 6 oz bottles a day but you usually don't finish an entire bottle.
*  Your daily schedule is about the same: 5-6:30 bottle depending on when you get up, 9:30 bottle, 10 am nap, 12:30 bottle, 1 pm nap (if you will take one), 4:30 bottle then bath around 6:15 and then 6:30 bottle and bed.
*  You did not sleep very well this month.  You have about 2 weeks where you were up every 1-2 hours.  Turns out you had a double ear infection. :(  After we got meds for that you were sleeping basically getting up every 2-3 hours.
*  You are wearing size 2 diapers and 3-6 and 6-9 month clothing.  You only have a few 3-6 month things that still fit.
You are growing up so fast!!  I love watching every stage of it!

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