Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Caught Up/House

Well I am finally caught up on Frankie's monthly posts, just in time to be late on the 11 month post. But the 11 month post will be posted while he is still 11 months old so I feel pretty good about that! I know it has been all about Frankie but he is a big part of our lives and the main reason for our blog. My plan is to at least write a weekly post with pictures to keep family and friend updated with our lives from week to week. I am not usre with our busy schedule that I will be able to keep this up but I am going to try my best. I also do plan on writing about other things that just Frankie. Maybe :) Now on to the house!! We are so excited to know that we have a house under construction!!! We found a subdivision that we loved and put an offer in on a house that was almost completed but another family had already put an offer and they got the house. We looked at a few more locations and houses and just couldn't fine the one that we wanted. We kept going back to the other subdivision. We decided to put an offer in on a house that was already under construction. Since we got in early, we get to pick out some on the finishes for the house!! It is very exciting and kind of stressful because we don't want to pick out something and then if not look good and be stuck with it. I think that we will make good choices though! They seem to be getting it done pretty fast, our closing day is June 17th at the lastest!!!! Next time we go out there I will try and get some pictures and post them! :) Frankie 11 month post and Easter pictures to come sometime soon!!!


  1. That's so exciting!! I can't wait to see pictures!!

  2. Happy 11 months to Frankie!

    SO excited for your new house! Great! Where is it?

  3. Thanks! It's in Jackson. I will get some pictures next time we go out.
