Friday 8/9/13 after work we took the plunge. I picked the boys up and we headed to Wal-mart so Frankie could pick out his big boys underwear. He choose Cars and Spiderman and he was so proud of them. On the way home I was trying to really get him pumped up for using the big potty and wearing big boy underwear, I kind of feel like he was thinking what did I agree to!! Haha! Once we got home we packed up his diapers and "gave" them to Colton since he is still a baby. Once those were gone we used the potty and put on his new underwear. At this point I had the "there's no turning back now" mentality.
Frankie thought the new underwear would be better on his head instead of his butt.....this kid. I wanted to have the little potty ready but he preferred the big potty or the "toilet" as he calls it!
Don't let this cute little guy fool you, he wanted that candy BAD!!
The first few days went pretty well and we have had very few accidents all together. I have to say our babysitter has been a major blessing! She has been staying on him and keeping him dry. Mrs. Erica is amazing!!
He is napping and sleeping in a pull up just to be on the safe side. The first few days he was defiantly using it as a diaper. Friday and today he was been dry in the morning and at nap time. Plus he has starting telling me when he needs to go. I still ask him a lot if he needs to go and honestly he gets mad at me. Hopefully I can back off a little. I am just so impressed with how well this has all panned out. This weekend we made it on our first road trip with only one pit stop and lots of fun outings today and stayed accident free!! I know there will still be accidents but its almost like he has been potty trained for months now.
My boy is getting so big!! I am so proud of him!! It's hard to believe he is almost 3 1/2!!!
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