Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Colton- 12 Months

Ok so now that you are almost 13 months old, I thought I would go ahead and write your 12 months post!!  You are such a good boy!  You want so badly to be BIG like your brother.  You will try almost anything that he does and you must eat the same thing he does.  You are very smart and I can't even trick you anymore.  You are pretty good at eating chunks of food even though you only have 4 teeth.  Here are a few things that I would like to remember about you:

*  You talk a lot and try to repeat almost everything we say to you.  You say ball to almost everything and I have figured out when you pick something up and say ball that means you are going to throw it.  I swear you say Erica (your babysitter), it really sounds just like it!  You are still saying nana (banana), baba (bottle), dada, mama & bye.

*  You have really been getting exciting and waving at people you know when you see them.  It's pretty adorable!!

*  You climb on everything!!  You truly have no fear. I hope lots of ER visit are not in our future.

*  You are walking everywhere.  You have gotten pretty good.  You still aren't the best at getting up without pulling up on something but you can do it.  When you fall you will crawl to something and pull up then start all over again.

*  You are on table foods and milk!!  We changed you to milk the Thursday after your 1st birthday.  You seem to be doing great on it.  You don't really like it when it is right out of the fridge though.  Most recently you are down to only taking 2 bottle, one in the morning and one right before bed.  You have been doing great with it.  Some of your favorite foods are: peaches, pairs, apple sauce, yogurt, hot dogs, toast, pancakes & bananas.

*  You have been sleeping really well.  Ususally going to bed between 7-7:30 pm and getting up around 6-6:45 am.  You are still napping 2 times a day.

*  You now have 4 teeth, 2 on the top & 2 on the bottom.  Hopefully more are coming.  (you are sick right now with a low fever and very grumpy- so maybe more teeth are coming)

*  You are in size 3 diapers and  month clothes.  I am about to move you up to 18 months though.

* Doctor Stats:
Weight: 19.4 lbs- 5th percentle
Height: 28.5 in- 10% percentile
The doctor says that you just might be a tiny little guy!  Until this appointment I thought you were a huge little guy!!  LOL!!

You monthly photo shoot was so fun this time!!  
Mr. Personality!!!

I love these TWO to the moon and back!!!  I can now say that I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old!!!  Life is good, GOD is great!!!

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