I can hardly believe you are 10 months old. Its pretty hard to believe that in 2 more months I will have a toddler. There will be no more babies in the Boyer household. You have gotten so big this past month. Here are a few things that we want to remember about you:
* You still only have the 2 bottom teeth.
* There is nothing really new in your daily routine. You are still taking 5, 7 oz bottles and eating 3 meals of baby food a day. We have tried a few table food but you don't seem to be really interested in those yet.
* You have mastered the art of blowing raspberries which has proved to be very messy while feeding you. I think we can thank your papa for that one. (Thanks dad, NOT)
* You can eat a whole puff now without choking and also do well with cheerios.
* You have mastered the sippy cup, but you do manage to make a pretty big mess. You love to throw it off your highchair and wait for someone to pick it up for you so you can throw it again.
* You have finally said "ma ma", but you usually only say it as you are crying for me to come get it. Either way it is still super cute!
* You are now sleeping with a burp cloth and a blanket. You love both of them so much. Almost every time you see them you will pounce on them and just give them big hug!! Its so funny to watch.
* You crawl so fast now. You can officially keep up with your brother. Since it's Spring it has been a little harder for you to get around when we are outside because you really aren't crazy about the grass and I don't really like you crawling on the concrete with bare knees.
* You can pull up on anything and you are really fast at that to. You have also learned how to sit back down once you have pulled up.
* You have started to walk along furniture and can even move from one thing to another.
* You love to clap!! A lot of time last week you would clap when daddy would get up for the evening. LOL!!
* You love to dance. You sometimes move your whole body and other times you just move your head back and fourth. It's very funny!! I just love when you start dancing.
* You love to throw balls and every time we roll it back to you, you will throw it right back at us. You have a pretty good arm on you. I see pitching for the Cardinal's in the future.
* You love playing peek a boo. Its so cute. You will put the blanket over your face and pull it down when we say "peek a boo".
* We officially lowered your bed all the way down because you would stand up and throw your blanket and paci out and then lean over and cry for them. It was defiantly time.
* You are in a size 3 diaper (they are a little big) and you are wear 9-12 month clothing.
It's getting harder and harder to get a picture these days but at least we got a few that shows him doing what he does best!! :) I can't believe how big you have gotten. You are such a content and happy baby!! We are so blessed to call you ours!!! I love you Colton baby!!!
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