Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

2013 Vacation- Part Two

Wednesday:   We had a lazy morning and kind of just hung around the house for a while.  About 11 we packed up and headed to the Museum of Transportation to meet some friends for a play date!  We got there a little early so we took a quick ride on the mini train.  Colton really enjoyed it, Frankie wasn't so sure about it though.  As we were going by on the train we saw our friends: Emily, Wyatt and Sloane. Frankie and Wyatt are the same age, I think that Wyatt is 16 days younger than Frankie.  Sloane turned 1 in March, she is so tiny.  Her and Colton weigh the same. :)

Sloane and Colton. 

The boys.  This is the best I could get....

Wyatt put this on and then did this pose.  He is to cute!

That is some serious train table action

Snack time.

Perfect little CHEESE face!!

The boys cooking us lunch

Riding the tram to the museum

Frankie even got to say "All Aboard"
We didn't stay only at the museum because it was lunch time and the boys were both pretty much over it.  Maybe they will enjoy it when they are older.  After lunch we went home for naps and then made a homemade pizza for dinner. Yummy!  After dinner we made a bon fire out side and Frankie and I snuggled under a blanket and he played games on my phone.  It was the perfect end to a fun day!

Thursday:  After Colton's morning nap we headed to the Magic House!  They are really added some fun things, even since the last time we visited.  Frankie really enjoyed it.  Colton enjoyed it to but he spend most of the time in his stroller eating. LOL!

Wasn't crazy about being in the bubble.

Loved this thing.

In the TP

Colton says, I didn't do it.


Changing a tire

2 teeth!!

So you can't see Frankie's face here but he is screaming and trying to hold his hair down.

Colton didn't mind it at all.

I just can't help but smile when he smiles.

LOL!  They have an area with mulch and truck and I am pretty sure that was his favorite part.

Water table.
After we left the Magic house we went to my old work to visit old co-workers and then stopped by Trey's work to visit his old co-workers.  By that time it was about 4 and the boys were so tired.  Amazingly enough neither one of them fell asleep on the 20 minute drive home. We got home and started on dinner.  Crock-pot pulled pork, mac & cheese and veggie packs!!  Yummy!!

Waiting on dinner.
 After dinner we made homemade ice cream that was to die for!!

Friday:  It was time to head home and I think we were all pretty much ready to be back in our own house.  That morning Frankie had a doctor appointment with a Pediatric GI doctor.  She didn't seem concerned about his poop issues at all and said that he should grow out of them.  Plus she feels very confident that we can get him on Miralax but advised us to wait until he was potty trained.  Woohoo!!  So thankful she didn't seem any need to run test and nothing was a red flag!  After that we headed to the new Lego store in the West County mall.  Since Frankie was a good boy he got to make his first Lego purchase! :)  Then we hit 55 south!!  We made it home just in time for naps!!  While the boys napped Trey and I sat on the deck and soaked up the sun!!

What a beautiful time off we had as a family!!  We are so blessed!!

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