Well another month has pasted and you are now 5 months old!!! You did a ton of fun this month. You went to the Zoo for the very first time, you also went to the pumkin patch and had your first Halloween. Also we went to Cape for a visit where you got to see your Big Papa again and meet your new friend Beckett All of that in the next post. We finally got your Johnny Jump Up out for you. I have to say that you more just sat in it rather than jumped but I am sure the jumping will come soon enough. You also really started to enjoy your bumbo set. You fit much better in this now. I think your leg might become to fat pretty soon though. You really enjoy eating baby food, we have tried all of the main veggies and are working on fruits. As you can see in the picture you have also started to smile some and a real smile not just because you are farting. :)

Stats: Weight: 15 lbs 4oz
Length: 25 1/2 inches
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