Frankie, wow you are growing so fast. The time is flying by, you are such a big boy. You love taking walks as long as you aren't in your stoller or your car seat. You hate your car seat, there isn't much that makes you happy when you are in it. You also love being outside. I would lay a blanket down and we would lay down and watch the leaves on the tress. We did a couple of fun things this month. You went to your first Cardinal's game, you were big time. We sat in a box with Miss Anna's family. You got to get a build a bear and a first game certificate!! I think the build a bear was more for me but daddy would have never let me get it for myself. We also visited the Boyer cabin for Labor Day, it was such a nice day we got to sit in the shade all day. You can almost rollover, in no time you will be somewhat able to move on your own.
Well sad news my maternity leave is over this month. When I go back to work you will be going to a in home daycare down the street. Her name is Nina. You loved her so much. You had big smiles for her every morning when I dropped off.

Your status: We didn't have a doctor appointment this month your weight from our scale said that you are 13 lbs.
Clothing size: still mainly 0-3
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