Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Frankie 8 Months
Baby boy you are even that much closer to being ONE, I can't believe it!! Your favorite thing to do right now is to stand and play. You love your Leap Frog learning table, it makes tons of noises and has bright flashing lights on it. It even has a page that you can turn back and forth, I have gotta tell you that is one of your favorite things to do. You will stand and play there for a long time without losing interest. You love to roll any ball on the floor, after you roll it we say yay and that makes you so happy and excited. You move your arms up and down and squeal with excitement. You want to move so badly but just haven't gotten the hang of it. Rolling is your main form of movement right now. You have almost figured out how to scoot around to roll in a different direction. Somethings you get stuck on your arm but you won't give up , you just try to roll harderuntil you get over or somebody comes to your rescue and helps you get over. Still no signs of crawling, if we put you on your hands and knees you just sit there for a few seconds and then fall down face first. You do love to walk while we hold your hands though. You are really wobbly but are getting the hang of it. I think that you might go straight to walking and skip the whole crawling thing. You are making all kinds of sounds now, most of them we have no clue but I just try to make the same type of sound back which seems to make you happy. Daddy swears that you said dada and looked at him but I am not so sure of the because you look at me and say dada too. You have said mama a few times but it hasn't been directed at me yet, I know the day is coming though. You are really turning on the smiling though, you smile all the time especially for Aunt Annie. She has been able to get so many good pictures of you during the day. Even with the big move to cape with the big move to Cape you have been sleeping though the night for the most part. There are some night here and there but you are a pretty good sleeper now. You also take 2 naps at Aunt Annie's almost everyday which makes for a happy baby during the evening!!
The snow!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Frankie's 1st Christmas
Frankie's first Christmas was great!! We started the morning off bright and early. Frankie is was so excited to open presents!! We woke up at the Boyer household and opened presents and then had Joe's famous Christmas breakfast. After that we got cleaned up and headed over to the Hildebrand household and opened presents there. Later that day family and friends came over to have a big Christmas dinner!! All in all it was a great day. Best Christmas ever!
Christmas Eve
We spend Christmas Eve at my parents house. It was a great time!!
Thanks Aunt Trisha and Uncle Christian for my cookie jar, I love it!
Christmas Eve Morning
We were going to hang out at our house all day on Christmas Eve and then drive to Cape for spend the Christmas weekend down there. Then when we got up it was snowing like crazy so we thought we better open our gifts and get down to Cape!!! We didn't have a huge Christmas at our house because we knew that Grammy and Mimi would go a little crazy for the first grandbaby's Christmas.
Our babies!!!
Frankie 7 Months
Already 7 months, I can't beleive it has been this long already. You are wanting to try so many new things but can't quit figure them out yet. You love to sit up and play with anything, this has made your activity mat that you loved so much almost obsolete. You can sit up very well by yourself but still fall over quit often so I always either sit behind you or put the boyfriend pillow behind you (just in case). Your favorite toys still include anything that makes music and has lights on it. I think that you are about to out grow some of your baby toys, so good thing that Christmas is right around the corner. Your Johnny Jump up is a great time killer between dinner and bath time, you tend to be a little fussy during this time because you are sleepy and ready for bed. I also use the Johnny Jump up as a swing, you love it! You talk and smile the whole time followed by a little jumping and then I swing you again. You have a great little personality and are almost always happy. You smile a ton now and lov to talk. Right now you are talking the most when you are getting a bath. Something about laying you down in the bath tube turns on your talking gene. i love it, you also splash the entire bath. Everything in the room gets wet, but I woldn't change it for the world. You are finally sleeping through the night almost every night now! Most of the time you wake up right before my 5:30 alarm goes off. Sometimes you will stay asleep until 5:45 which is even better. We will have to work on this because you even wake up this early on the weekends. Over this month you hafe popped out 2 teeth. They are both on the bottom in the center. I have to say they are so cute. You have even managed to figure out how to stick them out and show me. You are getting so big little man.
Look at this chubby body!! I love it!
Frankie's 1st Thanksgiving
We spent Thanksgiving in Cape at Great Aunt Annie's house. Poor daddy had to work so it was just us. It was a long day for me. We drow down the night before and then I had to go to work on Friday so I left Thanksgiving day afternoon. This was a big step for me and Frankie. Frankie spent the night at Grammy and Grandpa for the first time. I think that we both held up great. I did miss him so much though. Friday after a half day of work Trey and I drove down and spend the rest of the weekend.
Big Papa and Great Aunt Annie
Photos by Christian Berens
Frankie's Baptism 11/14/2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Frankie 6 Months
You are half a year old. I can't beleive how fast the time has gone. You have gotten so big now. You love eating your baby food. There isn't much that you won't try. You can sit up great, you still need a little support at time but you are doing so good. You love playing with all of your toys and you are really getting the hang of your Johnny Jump up. You are so busy with your hand and feet. You love, love bath time. You kick and splash the whole time, I almost need a rain coat just to keep a little dry.
Stats from the doctor: Weight: 16 lbs 11 1/2 oz-- 36th percentile
Lenght: 26 1/2 inches-- 54th percentile
Head Circ: 16 5/8 inches-- 13th percentile

Lenght: 26 1/2 inches-- 54th percentile
Head Circ: 16 5/8 inches-- 13th percentile
Frankie 5 Months
Well another month has pasted and you are now 5 months old!!! You did a ton of fun this month. You went to the Zoo for the very first time, you also went to the pumkin patch and had your first Halloween. Also we went to Cape for a visit where you got to see your Big Papa again and meet your new friend Beckett All of that in the next post. We finally got your Johnny Jump Up out for you. I have to say that you more just sat in it rather than jumped but I am sure the jumping will come soon enough. You also really started to enjoy your bumbo set. You fit much better in this now. I think your leg might become to fat pretty soon though. You really enjoy eating baby food, we have tried all of the main veggies and are working on fruits. As you can see in the picture you have also started to smile some and a real smile not just because you are farting. :)
Stats: Weight: 15 lbs 4oz
Length: 25 1/2 inches

Length: 25 1/2 inches
Frankie 4 Months
Frankie you are 4 months old. You got to eat rice cereal for the first time. At first you just wanted it out, but soon enough you figured out how to eat off a spoon and eat some of it. After you got the hang of the rice cereal we moved on to green beans. I first day you had green beans you loved them and acted like you couldn't get enough. The second day you seemed a little unsure about them and made some pretty funny faces. You also got to spend a whole week with you Great Aunt Annie because Nina was out of town on vacation. Aunt Annie I think had just as much fun as you did I think. You really loved when she counted to stand you up. You would be giggling so hard by the time she got to three. Since daddy works evening it was really fun to have Aunt Annie with us durning the evening. You also slept through the night while Aunt Annie was there. Don't get to proud yet it only happened once. Uncle Christian and Aunt Trisha also came up to visit and took some great 4 months pictures. You will have to see facebook to see all of the pictures.
Photo by Christian Berens
Stats from the doctor: Weight: 14 lbs 1/2 oz-- 30th percentile
Length: 25 1/4 inches-- 64th percentile
Head Circ: 16 1/8 inches-- 19th percentile

Stats from the doctor: Weight: 14 lbs 1/2 oz-- 30th percentile
Length: 25 1/4 inches-- 64th percentile
Head Circ: 16 1/8 inches-- 19th percentile
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Frankie 3 Months
Frankie, wow you are growing so fast. The time is flying by, you are such a big boy. You love taking walks as long as you aren't in your stoller or your car seat. You hate your car seat, there isn't much that makes you happy when you are in it. You also love being outside. I would lay a blanket down and we would lay down and watch the leaves on the tress. We did a couple of fun things this month. You went to your first Cardinal's game, you were big time. We sat in a box with Miss Anna's family. You got to get a build a bear and a first game certificate!! I think the build a bear was more for me but daddy would have never let me get it for myself. We also visited the Boyer cabin for Labor Day, it was such a nice day we got to sit in the shade all day. You can almost rollover, in no time you will be somewhat able to move on your own.
Well sad news my maternity leave is over this month. When I go back to work you will be going to a in home daycare down the street. Her name is Nina. You loved her so much. You had big smiles for her every morning when I dropped off.
Your status: We didn't have a doctor appointment this month your weight from our scale said that you are 13 lbs.
Clothing size: still mainly 0-3
Well sad news my maternity leave is over this month. When I go back to work you will be going to a in home daycare down the street. Her name is Nina. You loved her so much. You had big smiles for her every morning when I dropped off.
Clothing size: still mainly 0-3
Frankie 2 Months
You are getting bigger, your arms and legs are still skinny but they are starting to pack on the pounds. Over the last month I started to just pump breast milk for you because you really took to the bottle. After taking to your doctor at your 2 month check up I decided to stop giving you breast milk because I wasn't producing enough for you. The doctor said that you got the most important part already anyway. I was ok with that because I was having to give you a bottle then pump then clean up everything. It seems like by the time that was all done I would have to do it all over again. You slept a lot, when you weren't sleeping you were being held. I tried to keep you away from a lot of people because you were so little. You are really starting to like your bouncy seat and getting better with you activity mat.
This was a busy month for you: You went to your first 4th of July Boyer Bash! It was hot and sunny so you stayed inside most of the day. You also stated inside for the fireworks with Grampy and Jack and all of the puppies. You made your first trip to visit Big Papa in Springfield. You also met most of your second cousins. It was a long trip there and back with a 2 month old but we made it. Back at home you had your first date with Miss Anna, she a little older than you so she was more interest in moving around but still I think you had a pretty good first date! :) Finally you went swimming for the first time, you really didn't care for it that much. I think it was because the water was a little cool and not what you were use too. I think next year this time you will love it.
Your 2 month status: Weight 2 lbs 6 oz which is the 35th percentile
Lenght: 23 1/4 inches which is the 62nd percentile
Head Circ: 15 1/4 inchs which is the 21st percentile
Clothing size: 0-3 month
This was a busy month for you: You went to your first 4th of July Boyer Bash! It was hot and sunny so you stayed inside most of the day. You also stated inside for the fireworks with Grampy and Jack and all of the puppies. You made your first trip to visit Big Papa in Springfield. You also met most of your second cousins. It was a long trip there and back with a 2 month old but we made it. Back at home you had your first date with Miss Anna, she a little older than you so she was more interest in moving around but still I think you had a pretty good first date! :) Finally you went swimming for the first time, you really didn't care for it that much. I think it was because the water was a little cool and not what you were use too. I think next year this time you will love it.
Lenght: 23 1/4 inches which is the 62nd percentile
Head Circ: 15 1/4 inchs which is the 21st percentile
Clothing size: 0-3 month
Frankie 1 Month
Frankie you are 1 month old. I can't beleive how fast the time has went by. In the first few weeks you weren't gaining enough weight with just breast milk, partly because you weren't getting enough at a feeding. The doctor suggested that we supplement with formula. I continued to breast feed even thought you didn't latch well and you were constanly feeding. Once you got the hang of the bottle, there was no turning back. You were so sweet, you mainly ate and slept. I was able to get tons of pictures of you in funny sleeping positions. You did enjoy your bouncy seat for short periods of time. We also went on a couple of walks in you front carrier. We could only go on the cool night because you were not happy when you were hot.
Your 1 month status: Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz which is the 16th percentile
Length: 22 1/4 inchs which is the 73rd percentile
Head Circ: 14 1/2 inchs which is the 19th percentile
Clothing size: Newborn
Length: 22 1/4 inchs which is the 73rd percentile
Head Circ: 14 1/2 inchs which is the 19th percentile
Clothing size: Newborn
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