Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

School Halloween Parties

I take the entire day off for Halloween school parties because they are pretty much an all day thing. Eagle Ridge throws a HUGE fall festival type party and it's always so much fun! Then I have to be at Frankie's school by 1:30 to set up for his class party! #roommom #winning :) 
Nothing says breakfast like Mini Nillas!!  Haha
Colton & Jaxson's school party:

Colton requested a "black ninja face"

Frankie's school party:

Love this kid!

Such a fun day full of parties!  So thankful that I have a job that I can take off whenever I need/want to, to spend time with my kiddos.  Plus I love watching them interact with their friends.

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