We are beyond bless to have out sweet little Frankie boy. He keeps us on our toes constantly. He is strong willed, opinionated, bossy, lovable, funny, smart, adorable, sweet, caring and handsome. I could probably list a thousand more things that I love about him but I will stop there! ;) He is the best big brother to Colton & Jaxson, the bond between them is unbreakable. Frankie & Colton are so close and have many of the same interest and friends. Frankie loves to color, draw, paint, build with Legos, read books, swing, ride his scooter, jump on the trampoline, play in the water, swim, pester his brothers and go to the park. His favorite shows are: Avenger's, Power Rangers & Angry Birds. He will pretty much eat anything but his favorite foods are: roast with noodles & gravy, spaghetti & he loves shrimp. His favorite restaurants are: Chick fil a, McDonald's & Shogun's. He is so full of life; he is determined to do things and rarely gives up. He works so hard to do the best he can do. I am so proud of him and all the hard work he puts in.
Birthday morning!! |
Colton just realized the presents weren't for him. |
Frankie won't let him open any.... |
Big boy got a BB Gun |
After gifts we head to Frankie's art show at the Jr High. His fish is one of my favorite pieces that he did this year. It will be hanging in the boy's bathroom soon! :)
Birthday boy picked McDonald's for lunch...after we choke that down. Ningee & I took the boys on a strawberry picking adventure at Beggs Berry World. The boys had a blast picking strawberries!
They had the best homeade ice cream!! |
After picking strawberries we came back to Ningee & Papa's hosue to rest so we could gear up for Remington's birthday party at the park.
Happy birhtday Remington! |
Then we went to Mimi & Papa Gus's house for dinner!!
These boys.....LOL! |
Sunday we got up and headed to church, then went to Mimi & Papa Gus's house for breakfast. We played outside for a little while then headed to Ningee & Papa's so I could set up for the family party. We had dinner at Shogun's!! This has been Frankie's birthday dinner of choice since he was 1 year old. He only eats chicken nuggets but he LOVES the fire show!! :)
He requested Angry Birds with cupcakes with green icing! |
I made sure to put 6 candles on there this time. |
:) |
Jaxson wasn't even scared of the fire. |
Singing Happy Birthday to Frankie. |
These boys....so in love with them. |
LOL!! |
Our attempt at a family picture......oh Colton! :) |
Present time!!
Walking to mama! |
These sweet boys!! |
What a weekend celebrating my first little man. He will always be my baby. I hope and pray that someday he realized just how much I love him. Thankful that God choose me to watch over this little man!! #blessedmama #frankieturnssix
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