Ok so this post is only a month late, but whos counting. Any who 2 more months have flown by. Seriously where is the time going. You and Frankie are still best of friends for the most part. You guys play really well together, except Frankie is going through this phase where he likes to lay on you and you don't care for it at all. I give you a few more weeks before you figure out how to sit on him! You have mastered getting into the cabinets to get a snack and can get almost all of the child safety locks open on the other cabinets. I am still obsessed with your cheeks they are just so adorable!! I feel like you are getting so BIG and can do so much! You are definitely not a baby anymore. Here are a few things I want to remember about you:
- You LOVE to dance and it is super adorable! You will rock out to pretty much any music but you especially love the Mickey Mouse, Hotdog song and Choo Choo Soul on the Disney channel. You get super excited when either of those come on.
- You move fast. You run almost everywhere. You are super independent and like to do most things by yourself.
- You climb on everything. You have master climbing on to the fireplace, couch and chair at Ningee & Papa and can get on the couch at our house to. It won't be long before you will be able to climb on everything.
- You like to play by yourself. You don't have to have somebody right next to you to be happy playing.
- You do everything that Frankie does. You follow him around and love to be next to him doing anything.
- You are in a big hitting stage. It's hard to punish you because all we can really say is "No, no Colton we don't hit." But you aren't innocent, you know that you should not hit and will often hit and then run off laughing.
- You blow kisses. You wave and say bye bye when we are leaving somewhere. You also wave at all cars that drive by. We have been working on learning eyes, ear, nose, month lately. You know what a nose is but will only point to it on someone elses' face.
- You say: ball, bye, mine, more, please, thank you, Chacha, sissy, cheers, no and sit. You also try and repeat anything we say to you.
- You nod your head yes or no when we ask you a question. Example: Do you want a snack? Then you would nod your head yes.
- You love to eat, honestly I don't even know what your favorite food is. Your really like nurtragain bars, pancakes, anything sweet, pears, peaches and any meat.
- You have 8 teeth (4 on the top and 4 on the bottom). It also looks like you have 2 more on the bottom coming in.
- You are in a size 3 diaper and size 18 month clothes.
I think it's time to get the crazy Jack Nickleson hair gone! |
You have been making this face a lot and I love it! |
This was most of the picture that I took. I think it is impossible for you to sit still. |
We think you are perfect! You are so easy going and lovable. You can go with the flow and love doing anything. I can tell you are going to take us on quit the adventure as you grow. I love you to the moon and back!!!
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