Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!

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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Turkey Crafts

Right before Thanksgiving we did a few turkey crafts.  Frankie loves to paint so it was a win, win for him.  I think they turned out adorable!!

Paperplate Turkey:

I think the "chicken" turned out super cute!
Handprint Turkey:
Sidenote: Colton does not like to have his hand painted and painting his foot was a 2 man job so no pictures of that. :)
Loves having his hand painted.

Again, super cute!!
 We had so much fun with our Thanksgiving crafts!!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Brother Love..

Frankie and Colton love each other so much.  While daddy and Papa were out hunting I got lots of time with my boys!!  I think these picture show the stages they are at right now.  They can't sit still and they both need to go to smile school.  Lol!!  I am so thankful for my two heathly, happy boys!!

Colton loves to snuggle!!  Not!

Opening day of gun season.

Sweet babies!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Colton-15/16 Months

Ok so this post is only a month late, but whos counting.  Any who 2 more months have flown by.  Seriously where is the time going.  You and Frankie are still best of friends for the most part.  You guys play really well together, except Frankie is going through this phase where he likes to lay on you and you don't care for it at all.  I give you a few more weeks before you figure out how to sit on him!  You have mastered getting into the cabinets to get a snack and can get almost all of the child safety locks open on the other cabinets.  I am still obsessed with your cheeks they are just so adorable!!  I feel like you are getting so BIG and can do so much!  You are definitely not a baby anymore.  Here are a few things I want to remember about you:

  • You LOVE to dance and it is super adorable!  You will rock out to pretty much any music but you especially love the Mickey Mouse, Hotdog song and Choo Choo Soul on the Disney channel.  You get super excited when either of those come on.
  • You move fast.  You run almost everywhere.  You are super independent and like to do most things by yourself.
  • You climb on everything.  You have master climbing on to the fireplace, couch and chair at Ningee & Papa and can get on the couch at our house to.  It won't be long before you will be able to climb on everything.
  • You like to play by yourself.  You don't have to have somebody right next to you to be happy playing.
  • You do everything that Frankie does.  You follow him around and love to be next to him doing anything.
  • You are in a big hitting stage.  It's hard to punish you because all we can really say is "No, no Colton we don't hit." But you aren't innocent, you know that you should not hit and will often hit and then run off laughing.
  • You blow kisses.  You wave and say bye bye when we are leaving somewhere.  You also wave at all cars that drive by.  We have been working on learning eyes, ear, nose, month lately.  You know what a nose is but will only point to it on someone elses' face.
  • You say: ball, bye, mine, more, please, thank you, Chacha, sissy, cheers, no and sit.  You also try and repeat anything we say to you.
  • You nod your head yes or no when we ask you a question.  Example: Do you want a snack? Then you would nod your head yes.
  • You love to eat, honestly I don't even know what your favorite food is.  Your really like nurtragain bars, pancakes, anything sweet, pears, peaches and any meat.
  • You have 8 teeth (4 on the top and 4 on the bottom).  It also looks like you have 2 more on the bottom coming in.
  • You are in a size 3 diaper and size 18 month clothes.
I think it's time to get the crazy Jack Nickleson hair gone!
You have been making this face a lot and I love it!

This was most of the picture that I took.  I think it is impossible for you to sit still.
 We think you are perfect!  You are so easy going and lovable.  You can go with the flow and love doing anything.  I can tell you are going to take us on quit the adventure as you grow.  I love you to the moon and back!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dad's Birthday

On Monday my dad turned 63!! After dinner we headed to my parents house to open presents and have pumpkin pie!! Both boys LOVE pumpkin pie and cool whip!!

They enjoyed helping Papa open his gifts:

Singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles:

Papa and all his boys!!

We ended the evening with a little sward fighting!!

Happy birthday dad! We love you so much! Hope 63 treats you well!

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Family Date Night

Friday night we headed out to dinner at Casa Mexican and then to the SEMO basketball game. My dad goes to all the home games, so he was there too. We took the boys a few time last year and Frankie loved it. This year Colton is big enough to understand what is going on and he loved it. He would just sit and watch and he loved to dance to all the music. We had so much fun!! Can't wait to go to another game soon.

I think we need to work on Colton's cheese face! Lol!

The ice cream machine was broken (which is my favorite part), but at least they had lemon ice!!

Family date night success!!

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Melaina's Magical Playland

A few weeks ago we went to the park as a family! We have been several time but this was the first time Trey has been able to go. Both kids love it!

They both really like the swings. It's hard to get Colton off there so someone else can have a turn.

They also enjoy the bumpy slide!

We had a fun family day at the park!!

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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween morning Frankie got up at 5:30 am and wanted to put on his costume and go trick or treating.  We explained that we have to go to work and then come home and eat dinner then it would be time to go trick or treating.  But of course we let him wear his costume to the sitter's house. 
Halloween PJs

The great and amazing Buzz!!
 It rained all day long.  I was so nervous that we wouldn't be able to go trick or treating.  I was trying to plan in my head how I was going to explain that to a 3 year old.  Honestly I had decided even if it was raining I would make it happen some how because he was so excited about it!  The rain had stopped by the time we got home so we put in our Jack-O-Lantern pizza and played outside in the puddles!!

Trey's pumpkin carving skills.

Smile school anyone??

Having so much fun!

I just love this picture.  Colton does everything that Frankie does.  They are such good brothers to each other!

It doesn't look like it here but he enjoyed playing in the water too.
 Shortly after we started playing out side Ningee and Papa (my parents) showed up.  They come over every year, Ningee walks with us to take pictures and help with the kids and Papa stays at the house to hand out the candy.  It's a pretty sweet system!    Funny story, Tuesday evening Frankie advised that we would be dressing up.  He wanted me to be Jesse and Trey to be Rex....since he was so excited about Halloween, we did it! 
Meet Buzz, Jesse, Woody, Rex & Jesse

I love my little family!

First house.....Frankie wasn't so sure yet.

There's a snake in my boots...

To infinity and beyond..

The wind was picking up.

Colton really started to get into it.

We got smart and ran home to get the wagon.

Last house before the storm....
 It had be lighting pretty much the entire time we were trick or treating but it seemed way off in the distance so we weren't to worried about it.  After the above picture I could tell the wind was really picking up, I told Trey I think we needed to head home.  He said "babe there is only 1 more house with it's light on lets just go there and then we will head home".  Even though I really didn't want to I lugged Frankie to the door, leaving Colton in the wagon with Trey and Ningee.  We got to the door and several other kids came to the up behind us.  Just as the lady is putting candy in Frankie's bucket the sideways rain starting and the wind was super strong.  I just remember lifting Frankie up over all the other kids and took off running for the house.  As I am running through the yards to get to our house as fast as I could I am yelling for Trey and Ningee to grab Colton and run.  I think I  might of even said ditch the wagon, lol!  Frankie was yelling, "I'm scared, it's raining"  over and over again.  We were completely soaked!!!

Drown rats!!  The blur is the result of a wet camera.

Had to get a candy fix!!

Sweet boy!
 What great memories we made.  This was a year to remember that's for sure!!  I know next year we will be saying remember what happen last year!

Since it was pouring down rain I didn't get to get a picture of our pumpkins all light up so I took these the next day.
Woody & Buzz and then 2 "scary" ones!

Trey free handed all of these!  What talent!!