My mini mister it has almost been a whole month since you have turned 3 and I am still finding it hard to believe that I have a 3 year old. Everybody always told me that the 3's were way harder than the 2's. I have to say that you do like to test the limits but you are also so sweet to. You are a momma boy through and through (unless Papa is around). So much has changed with you over the past year. I honestly don't even know where to start. You are so handsome, smart, funny and loving. Your smile melts my heart!! You have started doing timeout better when you do not listen, most of the time we have to send you to your room because you won't sit down in timeout for you won't stop yelling. You have my temper, my attitude and my lack of patience. Bummer, lol! You know exactly what you what and how you want it done, but somethings get frustrated because you can't say exactly what you want or we are acting fast enough. Here are a few things that you have learned since you were 2:
* If I want to say that you are the sweetest big brother I have ever met. You have your moments when you hit or push him down, but for the most part you are so sweet to your little brother Colton.
* You have started to become a lot more independent in playing and in trying to dress and un dressing yourself. You have also taken an interest in walking yourself instead of us having to carry you everywhere (thank goodness).
* You can eat with a spoon or a fork. We usually end up helping you eat dinner, if we don't you just sit there and play.
* You can speak full sentences and you know lots of words. Some of my favorite things you are: "I love you so much"; "Supermam"; "I'm a good boy"; "Srankie". The list could go on and on. You are just adorable when you talk!
* You are pretty good at matching all colors, you can also pick out the color if you ask you where is the blue one (etc).
* You can count to 10 really well, after 10 things get a little mixed up.
* You know what a triangle, square and circle are. You can draw a triangle, but the others are still a work in progress.
* You know tons of animals and their sounds.
* You love to watch movies. Some of your favorites are Toy Story 1,2 & 3 and anything Dora.
* You really like the names Donny and Dafney. Sometime when we would be playing you would say that you work Donny or Dafney or that we were them. To this day we still aren't sure where those name came from.
* You know tons of animals and their sounds.
* You love to watch movies. Some of your favorites are Toy Story 1,2 & 3 and anything Dora.
* You really like the names Donny and Dafney. Sometime when we would be playing you would say that you work Donny or Dafney or that we were them. To this day we still aren't sure where those name came from.
* You are becoming a climbing machine. You climb on almost anything now. You can also run which is really cute to watch. We are still working on jumping but you can jump off the ottoman to the couch pretty well. (I know not the best thing)
* You have never like to be dirty or wet (like your clothing), but lately you have gotten really upset when you get wet or dirty. When you cry you get even more upset when you have tears, if you spill we have to stop everything and change clothes. If Colton put some in his mouth and then you touch it, you yell for a napkin. I am kind of hoping you grow out of this phase pretty fast.
* Your daily nap are kind of hit and miss. Most of the time you will take a nap at Mrs. Erica's but sometimes you won't. You do fairly well in the evening with out a nap but that means early to bed.
* Typically you go to bed between 8-8:30 and get up between 6:30-7.
* Your favorite foods are spaghetti and meatballs, mac & cheese, chicken nuggets and yogurt. You like a lot of fruits and veggie, most recently you have started drinking Naked Juice- Blue Machine. You call it Ningee's juice!
* You still have your poop issue but we took you to a Pediatric GI in St. Louis a few weeks ago and said that she thinks you will grow out of it. She recommended that we keep you are Miralax until you are potty trained and then we can try to take you off of it.
* You are in a size 4 diaper and wear 24 month pants and 2T/3T shirts. You are just so skinny. 2T pants just fall off of you. I always joke that I am going to have to kick you out of your pants so Colton can wear them.
* Doctor Stats: (we changed doctors in March so they did your check up then) You are 27 lbs and 35inches tall if I remember correctly.
Look at that sweet little face |
Again, heart melting smile! |
3 years old |
Since turning 3 you have really been wanting to do things all by yourself! It have been so fun watching you go and mold into a little boy! Most recently you have started to poop on the potty!! Woohoo! You have only pooped but hey it's a start!!
Here is a look back:
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Just Born |
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1 year old |
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2 years old |
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3 years old |
Sweet boy we love you so much!! We are so thankful that God choose us to be your parents. So days are hard but your smile and laugh can always get us through them. We LOVE you so much!!
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