Holy cow you are 8 months old. You are the happiest baby I have ever met. You are pretty much are always content. You love to playing in your jumperoo or even sit on the floor and play. You are interested in whatever is going on around you, especially big brother Frankie. You do not like to snuggle or really be held for that matter. Here are a few thing that we want to remember about you:
* You have two teeth on the bottom.
* You can get up into the crawling position and rock back and fourth. You have even sat back up
a few time when you have fallen over.
* You sit up so well now. You do like to lounge though so I usually keep a big pillow behind you incase you start to feel lazy.
* You can clap! You love when we get so excited because you have done something good. You also are always clapping toys together to see what sounds they make.
* You are really good about reaching for things that you want and usually don't have a problem getting them. I always say that you have sticky hands because you are always grabbing for something even if you aren't suppose to have it.
* You love to stand. Your legs are pretty strong but you are still a little wobbly and can only stand for short times before you are ready to sit down.
* You have a very mellow yellow attitude. You are so laid back but also let us know when you are mad at something.
* You gabber a lot and also say da da, all the time. I have been working on you saying ma ma, but you haven't said it yet maybe next month. ;)
* You love your paci and your burp cloth. They calm you down when you are upset and are a must anywhere we go.
* You sleep through the night!!! You go down about 6:30 or 7 pm and get up about 5 am. I try and make you stay in bed until 5:30 but it doesn't always work. Sometime you do get up in the middle of the night or before 5, in those cases I can usually just go in and give you your paci and burp cloth and you are good to go for a few more hours. When putting you to bed or for nap, you do not like to snuggle at all you prefer to be put in your bed so you can get comfy all by your self. I have to tell you I miss getting snuggle time but I am so proud that you sleep so well now!
* You schedule is still the same with 3 meals a day. A normal day you get a bottle when you get up in the morning. Then at the next feeding you get rice cereal and a bottle then at lunch you get fruit and a bottle and then a bottle sometime after nap. For dinner you get veggies & meats, then a bottle before bed time. You are drinking 5-6oz bottles a day and you usually don't waste a drop of it. So far you like all the fruits, veggies & meats that we have tried. You have even kind of started eating puffs. Most of the time I have to put them in your mouth for you because you haven't figured out that once they are in you mouth you need to let go.
* You are wearing a size 2 diaper and still 6-9 month clothing (surprisingly)! 12 month clothing is washed and ready to go just waiting a little bit longer.
You make us so proud every day. I can't not believe you are 8 months old. Time is going by way to fast. I just want to bottle up the baby in you and keep it forever! You are so chunky it kills me!! I love to kiss your "little" cheeks. You amaze us every day in the things that you do. I can't believe that you will be crawling soon! What an amazing gift you are to us!!
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