Well 12 weeks went by super fast! I have been back to work for almost 2 weeks now. Getting back in the grove of things has been easier than expected. The mornings have actually been pretty smooth. I typically get up around 6 to shower and get ready for work, then give Colton a bottle at 6:30, get him ready and then pack my lunch and get bottles an sippy cups ready. By then it's about 7 so I go in to either get Frankie or wake him up. As soon as he gets out of bed he asked for cereal and milk. I feed him cereal and milk and change his clothes/diaper in between bits. Them we head over the the babysitter's (Erica) at 7:30. After work I rush home to get them! :) I would say Frankie adjusted really well to little brother joining in on his playtime at Erica's. On the third day Frankie asked me as I was getting him ready if Colton got to come to Erica's, when I said yes he smiled and clapped! What a sweet big brother he is! Colton had adjusted really fast to being away from his momma too. This week she already kind of has him on a schedule. He placed himself on it so in time she will change just a little so it goes more with the other kids schedules though, plus I am sure he will be changing it again soon enough.

Colton's first day at Erica's

Frankie wanted to be in a picture but out of all of them, this was the best one. Haha!
Looking back we did lots of fun thing:
•we went to STL to hang out with Jeremy, Laura and baby Landen
•Colton got to meet Trey's grandma
•we had play dates almost every Friday with my good friend Jessica and her son Warren. We went to Le bounce, the fair and played at our house.
•Colton has regular dates with Papa so I could workout or just hangout somewhere other than our house.
•we also hung out at aunt Annie's and Mimi and Papa Gus's house.
•we visited Grammy at work at least weekly
•almost daily naps holding sweet Colton, sometimes I would nap to :)
So many fun and new experiences! I was so blessed to get to spend 12 wonderful, stressful, sleepless weeks with my boys! I was very sad to have to go back to work but I know they are in amazing hands at Erica's, plus Frankie loves it there and I am sure Colton does to!!!
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