39 Weeks- The morning of the c-section

Just waiting around. They make you get there at 6 am for a 8 am c-section.

Getting ready to go back.

Meet David
Colton Boyer
7/9/12 8:41 am
8 lbs 6oz 20.25 inch long

First good look at him.

Papa holding him

Grammy holding him

Papa Gus holding him

Mimi holding him. I think I have a picture just like this one when we had Frankie. :)

Aunt Annie holding him

Frankie's first look at his little brother. I am pretty sure he was saying that was a baby.

The proud Daddy of two sons.

So sweet. This picture melts my heart!

I was one happy but tired Mommy. :)

First family photo!

Sweet baby boy!!!
I know for Frankie I had this big long birth stroy but honestly this was a scheduled c-section so I didn't have any labor and knew the date and time that I was going in. I got back to surgery around 8:30 and he was born at 8:41. It was totally different this time because I remember everything. It was good and kind of werid, it's nothing like what you see on TV. Haha! We are so blessed to have 2 sweet healthy and happy boys!!!
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