This what when the cook first came out and you could tell that Frankie wasn't to sure about it.
Then this happened........................
But then this happened and he was all good again.
After the big fire he really enjoyed watching the food being cooked.
He kept pointing saying look, he cooking.
We made it home for a little play time before presents. He is a serious shopper like his mommy.
Sitting in his new chair that is going to stay at his Mimi & Papa's house.
I am glad to know that the $1 bat and ball could make him this happy. Thank you Target $1 Spot!!
Cleaning with his new broom.
I am pretty sure he said "Oh My" when he opened these sand toys!!
Any why would you need sand toys unless you also got a sandbox!!!
Loving it already and did a pretty good job with being dirty, since he really doesn't like to be messy. I can see us spending many evening in this little sand box.
Aunt Katie, Mimi & Papa Gus
Grammy, Papa & Chachy
(sorry mom, it was the best one that I got)
Mommy (Colton) & Daddy
Singing Happy Birthday................
Blowing out the candles.....................
Then of course licking the motorcycles clean.
Eating his cake like a big boy!! What a difference a year makes, haha! On a side note he is starting to cough and has a runny nose, I hope he isn't getting sick. He has his 2 year check up on Wednesday then a PAT meeting and then Saturday he has his big 2nd bday bash!!!
HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY FRANKIE!!! We love you so much!
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