So since I am 20 weeks, Trey and I thought it would be fun to take an Old Wives Tale to see if we are having a boy or girl. (we will find out March 9th if it's right)
1. Do you crave the heals of bread or the middle?
Heals: Boy Middle: Girl
2. Hands Chapped/Dry or softer?
Chapped: Boy Softer: Gril
3. Eating more or sick/nauseated?
Eating more: Boy Sick: Girl
4. Can people tell you are pregnant from the back?
Just from back: Boy All over: Gril
Boy- I take this to mean that you can't tell your pregnant from the back.
5. Which breast is bigger during pregnancy?
Left: Boy Right: Girl
6. Who was more aggressive at the time of conception?
Husband: Girl Wife: Boy
7. During the pregnancy, have you been crabby or happy?
Crabby: Girl Happy: Boy
8. Carrying low or high?
Low: Boy High: Girl
Boy- at least that is what I have been told.
9. Do you crave sweet foods or sour/salty foods?
Salty/sour: Boy Sweet: Girl
10. Is the heartbeat high or low:
High: Girl Low: Boy
11. Which side do you lay on when resting:
Left: Boy Right: Girl
12. During the pregnancy, have you been clumsy or graceful?
Clumsy: Boy Graceful: Girl
Girl- this was kind of a toss up.
13. Show me your hands?
Shows them palms up: Girl Shows them palms down: Boy
14. Has the husband put on weight during the pregnancy?
Yes: Girl No: Boy
15. Pick up a single key.
Picks it up by the long narrow part: Girl Picksit up by the round part: Boy
16. Did the older sibling say Mom or Dad first?
Mamma: Girl Dadda: Boy
17. Consider the mother's age at conception and the year of conception?
Both even or both odd: Girl One is even and one is odd: Boy
Boy- 26/2011
Well there you have it: 8 Girls and 9 Boy. Now we just have to wait and see. Can't wait for March 9th to get here!!!
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