I think that it is safe to say you are now acting like a toddler and less like a baby. You will always be our little baby though. I love to snuggle you and hug you so tight, you really don't care for it either. Haha! You do like to snuggle when you are tired or when you first get up which I love and cherish every second of. It is our routine that when you get up in the morning that we sit on the couch for just a little bit and watch Mo Mouse (Mickey Mouse) and it is by your request when I come in to get you every morning. You continue to amaze us everyday with new things that you are saying and doing. Not to mention I am not sure there is a day that goes by that I don't say that we are so lucky to have the cutest little boy in the world. Your eyes and your smile melt my heart daily. You are big on throwing your toys right nowso we have started to try time out with you. You are not a fan, we will put you in time out (usually after you have thrown something) and you will sit there and cry and cry. Sometimes you manage to produce real tears but most of the time you are faking it (we can tell because you will yell out and then look at us for our reaction). We will say that tiem out is a work in progress right now and I can say that you have only gotten it for throwing toys and hitting so far. For your age you are pretty good at sharing and really don't mine if others play with your toys unless it is something that you are playing with and someone takes it away from you. You have gotten much better with Sissy and she will even let you come near her now and doesn't run off in fear anytime you are in arms reach. We had our first PAT meeting with our new Jackson PAT teacher, she was very impressed with your problem solving skills, but you wouldn't really show her any of your other tricks. During the meeting we made our own "Your Baby Can Read" book, so we have been working on those and we are trying to also work on numbers and colors. Also it seems like you are really interested in books now. You love to be read to, sometimes you still get antsy and want to turn the page before we are done reading but I know that will get better in time.
- Funny things you do: You can do fishy lip kisses, blow kisses (which they are usually long and drawn out but oh so cute), rock your babies, singing random song but most recently singing to Mo Mouse after bath time while I am getting you ready for bed, singing Rock-A-Bye Baby, dancing to any song that has a girl singing, driving your Hotwheels all over our arms and legs, youare really into bellies and belly buttons and have started pointing to your belly and saying baby, you fart and burp (real & fake)- thank you Papa! You think that farting and burping are really funny and crack up anytime you hear one. I am sure there are a ton more cute things you do but I just can't think of them right now.
- New words you say: Pop tart (which comes out poc tart), pancake, cold, dance, fast, Ho Ho, rock, baby, belly, eyes, nose, mouth, nite nite, I love you & yogurt. You can also recite the sounds of the following animals: cow, horse, duck, sheep, monkey, dog & cat. We are working on frog, bird & chicken which you almost have down pat. Plus you will repeat any word that you hear.
- Eating Habits: The big news on this end is thta as of Monday November 14th you were no longer getting a bottle at bedtime. You did really well with this and only asked for it the frist 2 nights but never cried for it and it didn't even effect your sleep at all. praisse the Lord!! We still offer you a sippy cup of milk before bed but you have never taken but a few drinks of it. For breakfast we are giving you options. I will aks you if you want something like a banana and you say no, then I will aks if you want cereal you say no, then I ask if you want a pancake and you will repeat pancake and smile so I know that is what you want, you will also show me if I am not giving you the correct option. It really has made breakfast easier because we don't always have time to try a few things to get you to eat. Also if you want cereal you like to pick which on you eat and it has to have milk in it (which we help you eat). You have a snack mid morning and then lunch around 11 or 11:30. You will have an afternoon snack and then a snack on the way home from the babysitter, which you request as soon as you see the car. Then we eat dinner around 5:45 or 6 and then you will have a snack sometime before bed. Some of your favorite foods are: chicken nuggets, green beans, peas, corn, broccoli & ice cream. You will pretty much eat anything and like almost every kind of bean.
- Sleeping Habits: You are sleeping great. You sleep through the night every night for the most part. We put you to bed around 8:30 or 8:45 and I get you out of bed around 7:10. We give you a bath around 8:15 and then daddy reads you a bed time book and then he lays you down, you talk for a few minutes and then we don't hear anything else from you until morning. You usually wake up about 6:45 but you just stay in there and talk and sing to your self so I use that time to finish getting myself ready. You still take one nap a day and it usually last anywhere from 2 1/2 to 4 hours.
Words can not even explain how much we love you and how big of a joy you have made our lives and everyone around you. We love you so much!!!!
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