Sleeping boy....................... :)
Watching Mo Mouse with Mo Mouse, also trying wake up.
Sword fighting with Grammy.
Hi Mommy!
Naked sword fighting.
Skeleton PJs, thanks Mimi
I poo in blue.............haha. This is one of my all time favorite pictures!!
Trying on Sophie's Halloween costume.
Well mister you have amazed me once again. Everyday it seems that you have learned to do or say something new. I love that you are so smart and that you are growing up but I am also sad because you are not a baby anymore. You can now pretty much run and do anything that you want, I have a hard time letting you though. I just hate to see you hurt so I am probably a little over protective. I do let you try new things and explore on your own when I can be close by to help if needed. Daddy and I are trying to let you cry/whine it out and figure out how to fix or get what you are wanting on your own. When you are crying for something we are asking you to show us what you want instead of us just trying to figure it out. Sometimes you will show us and other times you will just give up and find something else to play with. You can also stand up without any help. I think that you would still like to have someone pull you up but since we don't always help you, you figured out how to do it on your own (finally). :)
Funny Things You Do: You have been pulling up your shirt to show us your belly/boobies and love to be tickled. You still talk on the phone with the front facing outward. You think that it is so funny to watch Sophie (aka Sissy) do crazy dog in the house or outside for that matter. You like it when we pour water over your head or around you in the bathtub from a cup. You think that driving cars on mommy or daddy's arms and legs is fun to do. You love to drag out my big pillows that I put on my bed and use them to jump (or fall onto), much like the bean bag that you drag out every time we go to Grammy & Papa's house. When you can't see mommy or daddy and you want to find us you always go into our bathroom to look for us. Every time you see a dog leash you grab it and yell for Sissy to come. When and if she doesn't come you try to snap your fingers and yell Sissy again. You make this excited face when you see something you like or if you're excited about something. You blow extra long kisses by holding your hand over your mouth then making the kissing noise, it's so very cute!!
New Words You Say: Daddy (instead of da da), Sissy (for Sophie), Annie (which comes out as Nanny), Jacob (neighor that we play with), drink (when you are thirsty), snack (when you want a snack), bite (when you want a bite), more, Mimi, and Trey (you have said it a few time at daddy, which is why I now know why everybody says mommy & daddy). You can also say please and thank you. It's usually on request only, but you will sometimes say them without us asking you to say it. Plus you repeat everything and I mean almost everything. I am sure there are some other new words that I can't remember right now.
Eating Habits: You are still about the same as the last few months. You eat breakfast with your juice with Mrialax in it. You eat lunch with your milk. Though out the day you just finish which ever drink you have left and then we give you water if you finish both of those. Sometimes you get a juice box or extra juice, this usually happens at Grammy & Papa's because you know where they are in their fridge. You also get it at home when you see it in the fridge because you ask for it every so nicely. You also have a few snacks through out the day. Some of your favorite snack foods are goldfish, animal crackers, yogurt bite, cheese puff, apples, grapes and raisins. You still love corn, peas, green bean, baked beans and mac & cheese but you have also added pears, peaches, mandarin oranges, yogurt, and apple sause to the list. Also on the list of your favorites are waffles with a little syrup on them, cinnamon toast and cereal with milk (this is daddy's special thing that he does with you most mornings). Some days you eat like a pig and other days you eat like a bird. Its also depends on how much snack and juice you have when we get home, we try to cut back on snacks when we get home so you eat dinner. Sometimes you are so deamanding that we know you are hungry and mean business. Then we are still giving you a bottle at nighte before you go to sleep. We are thinking about stopping it but just can't take that away from you yet. Pluse that is daddy's special snuggle tiem with you.
Sleeping Habits: This also is about the same as the last few months. You are still taking one nap a day usually about 2 1/2 to 3 hours long. I think it is cut a little shorter at the babysitters house but still around that time frame. You aer still sleeping through the entire night and waking up in the morning anywhere from 6:45 to 7:15 give or take a few. We have had a few nights where you got up and one night that you got up at midnight and never really fell back asleep. We soon found out that you have a pretty bad ear infection so that probably caused it. I am praying that day light savings time this weekend doesn't mess you up that bad, momma needs her sleep.
Baby boy you are so very special to us, we are so happy that you a part of our life. Mommy and daddy love you so much and can't wait to see what the future brings.
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