My oh my how big you have gotten over the past 2 months. You are now fully WALKING!! You are almost at a run, but you get going a little to fast and then you take a tumble. A few weeks ago at daycare you fell on teh concrete and scraped your face up pretty good. We all felt pretty bad for you because it looked like you got into a bad fight. Ms. Cheryl said it didn't seem to hurt you that bad because you didn't even cry very much. You aer such a tough boy!! You can bend and swat down to pick things up so I feel fully confident that you can stand up from a sitting position but you would much rather prefer to have someone help you or your crawl to something to help pull yourself up. You have been doing so many new things it's hard to keep up with all of them.
Some funny things that you do: You pat your chest like a monkey, you give high fives, you talk on the phone but the phone has to be turned backwards, you do So Big only when you see the Elmo, So Big book or see someone else do it first, you blow kisses by putting your hand over your open mouth, you give hugs by laying your head on someone, you give love to all your babies (your stuffed animals), you love to give love to all dogs but mainly Sophie (see is even letting him get close to her before she runs off, I usually hold her so you can give her a hug), you love to play chase and get really excited when we get close to you, you just start cracking up, you wave and say bye bye really good now & you can drink from a straw.
Sounds that you make: You say who who and pat your chest like a monkey (Aunt Annie thought you this), you bark like a dog when you hear one barking or say dog and you make a moo sound for a cow. Somethings you get a little mixed up when we ask you what a cow says and do the monkey and sometimes you do the monkey when we ask you to do the cow. I think I will make sure you have those down before we work on to many more sounds.
Words you say: ma ma, da da, ba ba for bottle, dog, ball, boom (we started saying this every time you fall that way you don't cry, now you say boom everything you run into something or fall), no, please (this is the sweetest thing ever!), Sponge Bob which sound more like sbob bob but is still super cute and Dora. You are also trying to repeat everything we say. You are getting pretty good and say most things back to us!!
Eating habbits: You are down to only 1 night time bottle. We give it to you right before we put you down for bed. We are waiting to pull that bottle becuase we want to make sure that you are getting everything that you need during the day. Right now I am still just a little uneasy about taking it away. You are still getting a sippy cup full of juice and miralax 1 time a day. We tried to pull that from you but you ended up getting a little back up which makes you not eat and very fussy. I can't image, I am sure that it is very uncomfortable. I talked to the doctor about it and he said that you just need to stay on it for a while longer until you system gross a little more. You ge the juice sippy in the morning and drink on it until lunch, by lunch it's usually gone. Ther is some kind of morning snack, you then eat lunch and have a milk sippy cup. This sippy cup usually last you until we get home. You have an afternoon snack at the babysitters and then another snack when I pick you up. Then you eat dinner where I can usually get you to finish one more sippy cup of milk. Then you get your bedtime bottle of whole milk. You have been an eating machine lately, it seems like you are always eating something. You love broccoli & raisins. I have even been able to get you to eat pears, peaches, mandarin oranges and apple sauce. You have really branch out of the last 2 months. I typically don't make a different meal for you unless it is something to spicy or something that I don't want to deal with the mess. But for the most part, you eat what we eat. You seem to pretty much eat it all so that works out great for us, pluse it makes us eat healthy because we are feeding a growing boy!! Snacks that you really like include Gerber Graduates cheddar puffs, freeze dried apples, animal crackers, gold fish & raisins.
Sleeping habits: You take 1 nap a day usually between 2 1/2 to 3 hours long. We do our best to not let you fall asleep in the car because if we move you, you wake up and then won't go back to sleep. That makes for a long day for everyone. We give you a bath every night, I guess it's part of your bedtime routine. I always give you your bath and daddy always gives you your bottle. We both get joy out of our role we play in your bed time routine. You go to bed anywhere from 8 to 8:30 and sleep until 6:45 to 7:15 the next morning. I can't even remember the last time you woke up in the middle of the night. I think this is one more reason I am not ready to take away the night time bottle, I don't want to jeopardize yours or my sleep at this point. Naps use to be hard for me on the weekends because you would never take one for me unless I drove you around the entire time. Now there isn't a issue at all, I can just rock you until you are almost asleep and then lay you in your crib or pack & play. You have a blankie that you love to snuggle with when you wake up i the morning and it's the first thing you grap when we lay you down for bed.
You are wearing 18 month closthing, but some of your 12 month pj and shorts still fit. 18 months is slightly big but not to noticeable.
Doctor Status: Weight: 22 lbs 12 oz -- 25th percentlie
Height: 32 inches -- 75% percentlie
Bubba you are so much fun!!! We love spending all our free time with you!! There is never a slow mintue around here!! We love you so much!!! You are the perfect and we are so thankful that we have you!!!!
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