I am so proud of you!!! You have become quit the little boy! You are crawling really good now and can get to most places on your own. You love walking, you are getting really good at it too. You can walk/run if someone is holding your hand and can walk really good if you are pushing something. you can even take 9-10 steps on your OWN!! I think a few more weeks and you will be walking everywhere, as soon as you figure out how to get up without pulling up on something. Words that you say: ba ba for bottle, buf when a dog barks, dog (sort of), ma ma, da da, ball & papa. You can clap and do it often, mostly for yourself. :) You love to scream, it could be a happy or mad scream but it is constant.
Eating: You are eating 3 meals a day of soild foods (breakfast, lunch & dinner), you also have 2 snacks times (morning & afternoon). You are still taking 3 bottles of whole milk (morning, late afternoon & before bed). When you turned one we started you on whole milk, which caused you to be consipated. The doctor said to start you on Miralax which really helped. You have to take the Miralax with juice so you are also getting 2 small juice bottles with Miralax in them. Bottles have to be gone by 15 months so we have lots of work ahead of us. Once we get settled in the new house we will work on that. :)
Sleeping: Naps are pretty much once a day now, but they are anywhere from 2 to 3 hours. You are still sleeping through the night which makes for a happy momma!!!
You are wearing size 12 months still but they are starting to get a little small. You have 7 teeth (4 on the top & 3 on the bottom). I think you would weight in at about 20 bls. Every morning when you get up you loook a little taller too. We are working on "So big" and giving kisses this month.
To our little Fish: YOu are getting so big so fast. I love watching you grow and get stronger and faster everyday. We love you and are so proud of you!
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