Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!

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Friday, July 22, 2011

4th of July 2011

Frankie swimming with Papa!!
This was the first time this summer that he liked the water.
We could hardly keep him out of it!!!
Mom/Susie and Eric
Me and Eric
Gina, Me & Melanie
Hot Momma's
The boys playing games
This was good stuff, now who wants to get me out of here?!?
Really, I want out of here.
Waiting for the fireworks to start. He seemed to enjoy them, he watched for about 5 minutes,
then laid his head down on me. He would sit up and clap when everyone else did though.
He wouldn't be a Boyer if he didn't love fireworks, it like their Christmas!

Wedding Dress Shopping with Jennifer

Samantha, Ashley, Me & Jennifer
Sister Love!!
She found the dress!!!! Stay tuned to see pictures June 2012!!!!

Jennifer & Eric's Engagement Dinner

Ashley & Jennifer
First there were TWO...............
Ashley, Jennifer & Eric
Soon to be THREE......................
Great Aunt Annie & Uncle Dave
The whole gang!! Ashley is the maid of honor and I am in
the wedding and Frankie is going to be in it!!! We can't wait to
help make their day special and amazing!!!
"Aunt" Ashley- 2nd cousin is just to much to say. Everybody is a
aunt or uncle.
Soon to be family.

A Day at the Magic House

We started off our morning with a walk to a park down the street!
This was he first time in a "park" swing. He loved it just as much
as any other swing. I have videos of him laughing and talking.
They are so priceless!!!
Sliding down the big slide. Something that he also LOVED!!
We have video of this too!!!
Who knew walking back up the slide could be so much fun!
He is busy, busy!
Our first stop was the basement at the Magic house. I think we skipped
the whole main floor because there were kids everyway and there was tons
of screaming./
He kept saying ball, ball.
Why hello Mr. President...................Let's take a vote: Who thinks Frankie
did a better job running the country in the 30 second he sat in the chair
than the current dude?? Umm, I do!!! Haha! All jokes aside,
Joseph Franklin Boyer IV will be the president some day!!!
His hair did this as soon as I touched it. Crazy because if you notice my
hair really didn't do anything and I am the one touching it.
Hand prints.
Family Fun Picture!
This was right before he poured that whole bucket of water
on his head. He was less than happy with himself after that one.
We need to get us a ball pit!!
Snack break for Frankie.....
They had this whole sand pit area, but this was on display at the
enterance. It was really neat. Frankie wanted to play in the sand
and water but it was to hot.
We finished off our awesome day with a amazing dinner with Trey's grandma!!!

A Day at the Zoo

Frankie's 1st Carousal ride. He liked it for a minute and then he
wanted me to hold him.
So pretty!!!
What is this thing daddy??
Building his Stingray Build-A-Bear that we tricked daddy into getting! ;)
Loving on his new baby!!
Feeding the goats.
Being a big walker boy!
Mister COOL!!
Man oh man the zoo makes me sleepy!!

Our House (Finally)

Home Sweet Home!!!
(Notice we even had a little grass)
Laundry Room as you walk in from the garage
Master Bedroom
Master Bathroom
Master Closet
Dinning Room/Kitchen
Living Room
(Still a work in progress- we haven't done anything in here yet)
Guest Bebroom
Hall/Frankie's Bathroom
Hope you don't have to go to bathroom to bad when you come over.
Love the little fish
Frankie's Bebroom!!

He knows right where to go to get all his toys, it's so cute because
he can't open the door so he will just point for you to open it.
I didn't show any pictures of the basement because it's nothing to look at yet.
Come and visit anytime.