Frankie's 1st Birthday Party on 5/14/11. Sorry for the picture overload....................I just love all of them so much that I couldn't pick. I lost so much sleep over this party it's crazy, but all so worth it!! I know that he wont' even remember this but I wanted it to be perfect, I guess more for me than him. I hope one day Frankie will appriceate my OCDness when planning things that are important to me! He was the King's throne!!

The amazing cake decorated by my best friend Trisha. My plan was for me to do it but I just had to much on my plate with being a party planner for a one year old. I highly under estimated how long everything was going to take. I think that Trisha did an amazing job!!

Frankie's smash cake and the cupcakes with the jungle animals!

Taking a quick break from opening presents for a picture!

Eating the cake. Ok so I see my arm with the camera in this picture which reminds me of my epic mommy fail for the day: I was in charge of recording the cake eating. I guess I didn't push the button correctly so all I got was me talking and swinging the camera around while I cleaned things up. I am so sad taht we don't have it on video at his birthday party. Good news is that we had a second 1st birthday party where we were able to get it on video. :) I let Trey be in charge of it this time because I wanted to make sure we didn't miss it this time.

Yummy cake!!

Opening presents at my second 1st birthday party. I got so many things it's crazy!!
Making one of his many crazy faces when he play with his toys.

His frog cake, it was really yummy!

Blue icing everywhere!! He really enjoyed it until he rubbed his hands in his eyes. That was the end of the ckae eating. I could have posted a ton more pictures but I thought that I would spare ya'll, check face book to see all the pictures from his big day!
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