You have hit some major milestones this month: You have started crawling more and more these days. Before you would take one or two crawls and then stop and roll or army crawl. Now you will crawl quit a bit before you stop and when you do stop you will usually start crawling again shortly. On Mother's day you crawled across the whole room which was something that we had never seen before. Then on your first birthday you really started to show off and began crawling and have been doing it more and more ever since. We are really pushing you to crawl around instead of us carrying you everywhere because we know that you can do it. You are pulling up on everything and getting pretty brave about reaching and moving around from thing to thing. You love to walk and would prefer to walk everywhere with someone holding your hands of course. It is kind of funny because if we only give you one hand you hold up the other hand for us to grap, if we don't grab it you will turn around and look at us like really grab my hand already. Once we grab the second hand you are on the move, you even sometimes walk so fast its almost running. Our PAT (Parents As Teachers) lady came over this month and did Frankie's ASQ (Ages & Stages Questionnaire). Frankie scored very well on communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving and personal social skills. There are a few things that we need to work on but you are developing right on track or even a little head!! :) You are throwing balls very well and actually have a pretty good arm on you, maybe a future baseball or basketball player. You have perfected waving. You wave all the time and can wave on command. :) I find it interesting that you wave by bending your wrist (like we do), where all the kids at your daycare wave backwards (like how they see us wave to them). You are so smart!! You also clap very well and do it often, you get so proud of yourself and clap away. One morning driving to daycare there was clapping on the radio and I looked in teh back seat and you were sitting there clapping with a huge smile on your face. So cute!!!!
Eating: You are eating 3 meals a day of table food and you are still on formula. Here is your eating schedule: Wake up you get a 4 oz bottle, then breakfast. We tried to take the morning bottle away or move it to after breakfast but you would have nothing to do with that and refused to eat breakfast at all then. Then you get a 8 oz bottle around 9:30 after morning snack, then you have lunch and a 8 oz bottle around 2:30. Once I pick you up from daycare you have a snack and a 4 oz bottle which holds you over until dinner. After dinner you get your last 8 oz bottle at 8 pm right before bedtime. Your PAT lady says that a child eating 3 meals a day should still have 32-33 oz of formula at this age, so we are right on track. You love Cheerios, Goldfish, raviolis, green beans and peas. I find this funny because when you were still eating baby food you wouldn't have anything to do with green beans or peas. I was afraid that you weren't getting enough food because it didn't really seem like you were eating very much plus most of the food ended up in your highchair, but my back will tell you a different story. It seems like you are heavier each time I pick you up. You have quit the belly going, plus the fat legs and chucky arms. I just love all of your chunkiness, it is too cute!!!
Sleeping: Naps are hit and miss on the weekends. For some reason you really don't want to take a nap for me on the weekends. Most of the time it ends up with me putting you in your car seat and going for a drive. Typically about 5 minutes into the drive you are out so I end up parking somewhere and waiting for yout o wake up (thank goodness for my iPhone)! During the week you are a perfect little napper. At the babysitters house you take one nap starting around 11:30 and wake up about 2:30, 3 hours is pretty good nap mister!! Then at Great Aunt Annie's you take a morning nap usually about an hour and a half and then another hour and a half nap in the afternoon. you sleep the entire night and rarely get up, you go down around 8 pm and wake up anywhere from 5:45 to 7 am. Most of the time when you do wake up in the middle of the night you cry out once or twice but pretty much fall right back to sleep. We just started letting you sleep with a blankie at night so more on that with next month's post. I mean I guess there will be a next month post even though you are one. I want to keep track so I don't see a better way to do so. We typically keep you on a strick bedtime schedule and it seem that the later we put you to bed the earlier you get up the next day which is why we try to keep you on a strick bedtime schedule because lets face it i like sleep!! I hope one day you will love to come and lay with me in the morning so we don't have to jump up and start moving right away. I am sure that day will come sometime down the road, hopefully!
Talking/Screaming: You have really found your voice this month. You can say ball really well and say it every time that you see one or something that looks like one (ie: a balloon). You get very excited when you see one and even happier when you throw it to one of us. You are talking all the time, we have no idea what you are saying but your doing it. You still say Bada all the time, Mama isn't used very often but you do say it and you say it right at me!! :) You bark like a dog when you hear one, ou also love seeing Sophie (even though she won't let you touch her). Screaming has become what seems liek your main form of communication. If something is making you mad you scream and if something is making you happy you scream. Grammy calls it screaming liek a girl because it is really high pitched and extremely loud. I hope that this is just a phase that you will grow out of very soon, until then we will just deal with it and "enjoy" it while it lasts.
Doctor Status: Weight: 20 lbs 14 oz which is in the 20th percentile
Height: 30 in which is in the 50th percentile
Head Circm: 45.5 cm which is in the 25th percentile
Clothing size: You are wearing size 12 month and they fit you perfectly!
Well we have made it a whole year!! You are so big now and such a good boy. You are so sweet and hug mommy often!! Mommy and Daddy love spending time with you and watching you grow! We love you so much and are so happy that you are our son!!!