I can't believe how much of a little boy you are now! You hardly even look like a baby anymore. :( Everybody still says that you look just like mommy but we are also getting a lof of people saying that you look like your daddy with your mommy's eyes. I think that you are great mix of both of us. You have my eyes and ear and probably my temper (whoops). You hve your daddy's hair line, mouth and eating habbits. You kind of make this humming noise when you eat. It is really cute!! You squeal and talk all the time. You try and imitate most noises that you hear us make, it's pretty funny because they usually sound a little bit different. We love having conversations with you, when we act like we know what you are saying and talk back to you it makes you so happy. I can't get enough of you sweet little laugh. Sometimes when I act like I am going to "get you" (tickle) you laugh before I even get close and you laugh even harder when Grammy is going to "get you'. Daddy also "gets you" right before bath time every night. He gets the biggest reaction out of you. I love the smile that you put on his face, it's priceless!!! You are so busy and into everything that you can get your hands on. Everything also goes in you mouth, it doesn't matter what or how dirty it is. You love to dig toys out of the little storage containers that I have them in, you will do this for the longest time by yourself. No toy is left in the box.

We had a busy Month: We started to tak you to a class called Water Babies at Healthpoint Fitness that meets on Mondas and Wednesdays for 4 weeks, this class started on February 21st. You loved it!! You kicked and splashed the entire 30 minutes each week. We got some of the classes on video and got lots of good pictures. Since you got sick (see below) you only got to do 2 weeks of the class but it was still a great experience for you and we will be ready for summer!!

You started a new inhome daycare on February 28th that you go to Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. Then Aunt Annie still watches you on Thursday & Friday. Wednesday of the first week you started to throw up in the middle of the night and had some kind of 24 hour virus. You started to feel better on Friday. In the mean time you passed the virus to Aunt Annie, Grammy, Papa H, Daddy, Mommy & Aunt Katie. Saturday you still weren't feeling the best but the sickness changed toa caugh and really runny nose. I told daddy that you were sick but we waited to take you in because I had taken you to the doctor on Friday and your ears were clear and they said that you were probably just getting over the virus still. Sunday you felt even worst and I felt awful for you. I wanted to make it feel better but couldn't go anything for you. You looked so pitiful and were very fussy. Monday is when I got hit with the 24 hour virus so daddy got you out of your crib and came in to our room and said that you were very sick and we needed to call the doctor. You just laid on his chest and watched Sponge Bob while we waited for the doctor's office to open. At 8 am I called and they couldn't get you in right away so we went to the emergency room. It was just as we thought, you had RSV and an ear infection in your right ear and fluid in your left ear. We were sent home wiht an antibiotic and a cough medicine. We went to the doctor on Wednesday of that week because you were just so fussy and we couldn't seem to do anything to make you happy and you would still hardly eat or drink anything. Your doctor changed your antibiotic, after that change you finally we could see that your were making and improvement. The improvement happened just in time for your first top tooth to start to come in. That made you fussy for a few more days but then it broke through and you became happy again!!! Not to mention how cute that little top tooth is!! You now have 3 teeth (2 on the bottom & 1 on the top).
At your 9 month doctor appointment your weight was 19 lbs 3 oz, 50%
length was 28 1/2 in, 50%
head circ was 44 in, 25%
You are were size 3 diapers and size 12 month clothing!
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