Only 1 month away from the BIG O~N~E!!! Even over this past month you have changed and "matured" so much. You are so handsome and chunky. I love your fat little arms and legs so much! I am also happy to say that you are finally ticklish, I don't know why that makes me happy but it does!
You now have 4 teeth, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom! We can also see a few more coming in, pretty soon you will have a mouth full!! You are a pro at waving and will almost wave bye-bye to anybody. I will note that you have to be the one leaving and you won't do it until we are usually out the door, but none the less it is still super cute!! The other day in the store we were walking down the aisles and you were just waving away. You are also very good in your walker, you use it more as a bumper car and will hit anything in your path (including dogs, feet, chairs, etc.) Currently it is your mode of transpertation besides rolling for being carried. Da da is a word that you use a lot and you say it in such a happy voice. I think that you know who your da da is but you say da da more than just when you are lookin at your daddy. It's used most of the way home from the babysitters and any other time you get really happy. Ma ma is also one of your favorite words, however you typiclly only say it when you are upset or about to be upset. You start saying ma ma ma ma in a really sad voice so of course I come running and say yes baby boy what can I do for you. Aunt Katie taught you to say boo, you can say it but you say it really quietly, so cute!! You will try to do and say anything that we do. Papa B is really trying to get you to say Papa but you haven't quit got it, but you are working on it. Papa H is teaching you to raise your hand up and point and let me tell you after just one day you have about go it mastered and do it anytime you see him. He is also trying to teach you to whistle (because it gets on Grammy's nerves) but you can't whistle yet, but you do try to blow and them make this sweet little noise at the end. Suprisingly your case of mommy separation anziety seems to be almost gone. You will reach out for people to take you and will play by yourself on the floor for longer periods of time as long as you can see someone is in the room you are fine. You also have been doing great and not even crying when I drop you off at the babysitters in the morning. You are really wanting to be mobile, you try so hard but still seem to be content with rolling for now and of course walking while somebody holds your arms. You even sometimes power's really funny.
You are becoming such a big boy now! You are not really wanting to eat your baby food anymore but some days you can't get enough of it. We have found that if we feed you the baby food with a big people spoon you eat more and seem to enjoy it more. You are also lettin you try most things that we eat from our plates, it is almost like you expect that now and that's why you won't eat you baby food anymore. We decided to slow down a little bit on that though because your belly has been hurting because you were having a little trouble pooping. Hopefully your belly will be able to handle big people food soon becaues you seem so ready to try it and are very good about getting the food to your mouth.
I can't get over how fast you are growing up!! If there was a stop bottom I would push it for a little bit to soak up more of your cuteness!!!!

Stats from home: Wegith 21 lbs
Lenght 27 1/2 inches
Head Circ 17 1/2 inches
You are still wearing size 12 month clothing.