It all started on Wednesday 5/12/10 when I went for my regular weekly appointment. I was sent to the hospital for a couple of tests becuase I had high blood pressure and wasn't feel good. When I got ther they hooked up a monitor to my belly to hear his heart beat, he was sounding great. I was laso hooked up to a blood pressure machine that took my blood pressure every 30 minutes. Then someone came in and took my blood to run some other tests. The nurese came in and checked to see how dilated I was, lucky me I was only 1 cm. I had been there for a couple of hours, just laying ther watching TV (Trey was in Cape), the nurse came back in with an ultra sound machine. She checked the amniotic fluid levels; they were a little low but nothing to worry about. She called my doctor to give her the results of the tests and monitoring that they did, she sent me home on bed rest. Good things my due date was only a few days away! I left my desk at a work a mess so I stopped by ther to tell work that I was on bed rest, gathered my things and headed home. I watched TV the rest of the day, so boring might I add. Trey got home and we hung out for the rest of the evening.
Thursday I woke up with sharp pains in my back, thinking really nothing of it I woke Trey up and told him we needed to go to Wal-mart to get a couple of things for the house just to be on the safe side. I know I was on bed rest but dang I couldn't just sit ther plus I wanted to go to Blockbuster to rent movies. Later that morning my mom called to check on me because she knew I wasn't feeling well. I told her that I was having back pains. She said honey I think those are labor pains. I said no, my back is just hurting. I decided to watcha movie and take a nap. When I woke up my mom had called again. I was still having the back pains. She asked if they were coming and going, I said well yeah I guess they are. Mom again said honey you are in labor; I was still saying no I'm not. I took a shower just knowing that would make me feel better. Well it didn't help and the pain began to get worst and more often. Now thinking maybe I am in labor, I decided to start timing them. What do you know they were like 10-15 minutes apart, lasting anywhere from 30-45 seconds. It's now late in the afternoon so I popped in another movie and tried to watch through the pain of the contractions. After that I was excited because my friend Ashley was comin gover to watch a movie and she was bringing pizza!! By the time she got ther I was miserable and in tons of pain. I tried to eat but felt sick every time I even smelled the pizza. I called Trey and he said to call the doctor. I called and she told me that if this continues for another hour that I needed to go to the hospital. Ashley and I put in the movie to kill some time. My contractions were getting worst and closer together. Trey got home about 7:30 to get me, but I wanted to finish watching the movie so we headed to the hospital around 8. Poor Sophie was freaking out because she knew something was up but just chouldn't figure out what. We got there and they put me in a room and told me to put the gown on. Those things are a joke in my opinion. Anyway they checked to see how dilated I was....still at 1. They also hooked me up to a heartbeat machine for the baby and a contraction monitor. Since I was only at a 1 they wanted me to walk around the hospital for an hour and then come back and they would check me again. Trey and I walked around stopping every time I had a contraction because I was in so much pain. Might I add this was now every 2 minutes. After my hour was up the nurse checked me again. I was still at 1 was was fully effaced. They called my doctor and good news I was admitted. Trey went to the car to get our things and was in my room by 11 pm. The nurse said that if I wasn't more dilated at midnight they would induce me.
Midnight came and I was still at a 1, the nurse asked if I would like an epidural. I read that your chancing of a c-section are lower if you wait till you are 4 cm dilated so I declined the epidural for now. Fifteen minutes laters she came back to start the induction meds and by that time I was so ready for the epidural. A little later I finally got my epidural, by this time I was exhausted and hungry. Not sure how much time had pasted but I am pretty sure I had just fallen asleep when the nurses came running in and flipped me to the other side because Frankie's heart rate dropped. This happened a couple more times but nothing too alarming. I was also put on ozygen for a while, I guess to help with something. The doctore came in to break my water, when she did we found out that Frankie had pooped (forgot what that's called) so the NICU was going to need to be on hand to make sure that none of it gets sucked down or so they can get it out fast if he does. After 23 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing, I found out that Frankie was sideways which is why I couldn't get him to come down any lower. My doctor sat on the side of my bed and said that I have 2 options: You can continue to push for a few more hours and he still might not come out or you can have a c-section. I think my response was get him out NOW! With that said I got a spinal block which made me really cold, I couldn't stop shivering. That was such a weird feeling.
Joseph Franklin Boyer IV was born at 2:31 pm on 5/14/2010, 7 lbs 9 oz. Trey held him while I was getting stitched up, which took a little longer because Frankie ripped my uterus since he was sideways and I kept pushing. I was so tired I could harldy keep my eyes open to see him. I got a couple of good looks at him though. Let me just say he was the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life!! I was moved to recovery where family came back to visit the new bundle of joy!! I tried to stay awake but just couldn't. I was able to take a little nap before I was sent to x-ray to make sure the stitching of my uterus went ok. Apparently the recovery room nurses forgot to let them know I was coming to x-ray so my bed sat in the hallway for quit some time beofer it was my turn in x-ray. I finally got to my room at 9:30 pm, because I fully expected to be send I had a sports bra on instead of a nursing bra- long story short because of the epidural and the iv the nurse was having a hard time getting this off. She went to get another nurse to help, I told Trey cut it off do whatever just get it off before she gets back. I just want to hold Frankie, I had only looked at him and he was born 6 hours ago. I finally got to hold him and it was great!! He fit perfectly in my arms!! The next day was full of visitors, he is loved loved by tons of family and friends. I was still pretty tired but made it. Sunday I got to take a shower and let me tell you it felt amazing ot be clean!! Mid morning on Tue 5/18/10 we got to go home. (We came home on Frankie's due date).
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