Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend 2014

We had a blast this past weekend!!  Trey was off work so early Saturday morning we headed for the Boyer's lake house.  It's only about 1.5 hours so the boys had time to watch one movie and then we were there!!  Once we got there we were ready to get  the party started!!

They had quit the set up!

Every time he touched the water he said "ouch"

My Spiderman boy!

First time fishing.

Colton's turn.

He loved the sandbox!!

 Loving lake life!!! :)


Trey caught the only fish of the weekend!

Sweet Landen, he loved that rainbow and fish.

Jeremy trying to free his "wood fish"

Marshmallow stealer's.

Throwing rocks in.

Serious BFFs

Early morning fishing time with daddy.

Cheetos...breakfast of champions.

Sweet moment with cousin Landen.

Sunbathing in the sandbox.

Begged to get in the lake......

Not  a fan.
 Monday (I forgot to get my camera out):
I had super hero entertainment while I was unpacking.

 After we got home we headed to Uncle Dave's and Aunt Annie's for a BBQ:
Adventures with Papa.

Sweet baby!

My favorite solider

Playing hockey golf.

What an amazing weekend we had.  We are so blessed to have the families that we have!  So thankful we got to spend the weekend with the ones we love.

Thank you to all that have served and are actively serving.  We wouldn't have the things we have without your service.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Colton- 21/22 Months

Well mister, I think it is safe to say that you have hit your terrible twos a little early.  You are still such a sweetie but you have quit the attitude!  You know what you want, when you want it.  You have become the master of throwing temper tantrums.  You will throw yourself down and scream and cry and if we leave the room you will get up and come where every we are and start again.  Timeout seems to be working and you actually do pretty good for being one.  When we talk to you about why you were in timeout you always say "yes ma'am!"  You still love being around Frankie and doing everything that he does.  You guys have become best friends it seem like and you really try to take care of each other.  Don't get me wrong you guys still pushing, hit and take things away but it's mostly love.  Here are a few things we want to remember about you:

  • You are talking like CRAZY.  You can put multiple words together when asking for something.  You can remember the names of the people you see a lot.  We can pretty much understand every word you say.  Each day you seem to know something new.
  • You love playing ball and swinging.  Pretty much anything outside will work for you though.
  • You are a pretty good listener and can follow simple instructions.
  • You love the ABC song and have really been trying to sing it lately.  You also love the "Let it Go" song from the movie Frozen.  You will belt out "let it go" quite often even though those are the only words to the song you know.
  • You are fearless and willing to try anything.  You love jumping off stuff on to other stuff. An example would be from the ottoman to the couch.
  • You play independently really well.  You can play with hot wheels by the window for a good 30 minutes before you need something or want to play something else.
  • You love mummies (gummies, like fruit snacks) and request them often.
  • You still love your paci and babies so much!  I have been tried to cut back on your paci but you always ask for it and I can't resist your cuteness!
  • You are still taking 1 nap in the afternoon and sleeping through the night.  You have also slowed down on the "head banging," I have really only noticed you doing it when you get up in the morning.
  • You haven't been much of an eater lately.  You snack some but breakfast and dinner have been pretty iffy.  Sometimes you don't even touch your dinner.  I am thinking it is either teeth or ears because you have also been pretty cranky.
  • You are also pretty picky about how your food is given to you and your preferences change constantly.  You currently like your banana out of the peel but it has to be the entire banana or you won't eat it.  You also won't eat something if it's broken in half.  Let's say you are given a whole pop tart and it somehow breaks you will take that said broken pop tart and crumble it up and throw it.  You have gotten really bad about spilling things intentionally or throwing it if you don't want it anymore.
  • You are in size 4 diapers, 24 months/2t shirts and 18/24 months shorts.
  • Not really sure how much you weigh but my guess is around 26 lbs.

Sweet boy, we love you so much!  You bring so much joy to our lives everyday!  You keep us on our toes that's for sure.

Monday, May 19, 2014

First Day at Eagle Ridge


Whoa, first I have to say that this is my 300th post!  Who knew that I would like blogging so much!  I love being able to look back and see what fun we have been having!!!

Moving on....today Frankie and Colton started going to daycare at Eagle Ridge Christian School.  They will both start preschool there in the fall, but we thought it would be good to start them in the summer session so they could have a chance to get use to it before "school" started.  We have been talking about school since the beginning of March, when we decided this would be our next move.  A friend recommended it to us, I went for a visit and I liked what I saw.  :)  Now fast forward to this morning.  It started like any other, in a rush to get ready and head out the door.  Before we left we had to take a few pictures though.

Their bags are packed and ready to go!

My BIG boys!

Even M&M couldn't help this photo shoot! ;)  After the photo shoot we headed to school.  We talked about their new school the whole way there.  Frankie asked a few times when they were going to go back to Mrs. Erica's or if they were ever going back.  I explained that they could go back to play whenever they wanted but this was going to be their new school.  Frankie had been worried about making new friends so I assured him that he would make lots of new friends, he just needed to introduce himself and ask if they wanted to play with him.  We worked on saying "Hi my name is Frankie" and "Hi my name is Colton."  I made the mistake of doing Frankie's name first so all Colton would say is "Hi I Frankty." 

As we were walking in Frankie said "I am just going to say hi I'm Frankie want to be friends."  It was so sweet!  Once we got in I sat them down at the cafeteria table and got their tray of breakfast.  Colton stuck pretty close to Frankie, but I knew he would be just fine once he warmed up.  They were so big and brave, but I lost it.  I had tears streaming down my face and Frankie looks at me and said "bye mom have a good day."  I cried for about 15 minutes, not because I was worried about them but because they were so BIG and so BRAVE!  When I picked them up today they didn't want to leave, I guess that's a good sign. :)  Frankie wouldn't tell me much about his day other than he had lots of fun and they played with balls all day.  I can't wait to see how the rest of the week and summer goes.  I am sure I will be a mess again come  August when they start 2 yr old & 4 yr old preschool.

Oh and I can't forget the amazing Mrs. Erica!  I don't know how she kept track of these kiddos.  She was amazing with the boys and they loved her so much!  They were both with her for close to two years.  She got to spend lots of time with them and treated them like her own!!  We are so grateful to have had you!!  We will have to make sure and have lots of playdates!! Here is a picture of her and the boys on Friday (their last day).  She is currently prego with thier fourth child. :)

We love you Mrs. Erica!!