When I was little and in Girl Scouts I always remember planting a tree around Earth Day. We didn't plant a tree this year but I need to look into doing that for next year. I did talk to Frankie about why we recycle and other "green" things.
Since I don't stay home with the boys durning the week I always like to do fun stuff on the weekends with them. I have been looking on Pinterest for fun spring activities because I want to do more projects with the boys. We get home after work we never feel like doing anything but some night Frankie needs a project instead of just playing. Hopefully that thought will continue. I have tons of Pins on learning while playing so hopefully Frankie and Colton will enjoy them.

On Sunday we made a globe and a tree out of tissue paper for Earth Day!
It seems like we are never home mainly because Trey is home sleeping and we are really loud. Lol! This weekend was no different! :) Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day outside. We spend almost all day outside at my parents house.

Frankie road his trike for the first time. He wasn't crazy about it but we need a flat surface and I think he might like it better.

Of course I had to make sure it was safe for the kid. Lol!

We took a walk. (I have sun glasses on which is why he is looking at me like this)

Played at my old elementary school down the street from my parents house.

They have a much cooler set up these days. But I got to say I got on the monkey bars and was scared to death to even try some of the things I remember doing in there.

He loves to slide!! Of course it was time to go and he kept asking to do it just "one more time mom", how can you say no to that smile!!

What a big boy!! He will be walking in a matter of months! CRAZY to think about.

Frankie is loving snakes right now. I find this super hilarious mainly bc Trey HATES them with a passion. He gets chills from even the fake ones.
We had a great Sunday!! Can't wait for another great day to play outside!!
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