You are a momma's boy!! You hardly let daddy to hold you, especially if you can hear or see me in the room. You have the sweetest smile and cutest laugh. They both just melt my heart. You are getting to be such a big boy! Pretty soon you will be crawling around and then we are all in trouble. Haha!! You love to watch Frankie do anything, which I find to be very cute. Frankie also adores you and always plays with you and tells you "it's ok mommy is coming" when you start to cry. My moments with you guys are so sweet. I hope you are still best of friends when you get older.
* Your skin has finally cleared up!! You have soft baby skin and finally have some hair!! We are still doing cream and lotion but now only 2 times a day. You still have some skin issues but they are 100 times better than they were.
* You can roll over like a pro now and I have even found you across the room several times when I have had to help brother do something.
* We introduced veggies. Your favorite is sweet potatoes, but you honestly like all of them. You are also eating your meals in the bumbo instead of the bounce seat.
* You have really started reaching for everything and nothing is safe. You don't care what it is but if you can reach it you will grab it. You are also really into grabbing faces, especially the nose.
* You are finally sleeping completely un-swaddled and have been for a few weeks.
* You love your jumporoo. Your legs are so strong I sometimes feel like you will jump out.
* You can sit up all by your self. You still fall over a lot but you can do it for a while all by your self!
* I started sleep training you on 1/26/13 and I have to say it was the best thing I could have done for both of us. The first night you cried for 60 minutes, the second night for 50 minutes and the third night for 40 minutes. You have slept through the night quit a bit but still get up some but, usually not more than once a night. Usually I can just go in and give you your paci and burp cloth and you go right back to sleep. This have been much better than the 2-4 times you were getting up!! You have really made me one happy and proud momma!
* You take 5- 6oz bottles a day. You also have breakfast, lunch and dinner. Usually rice cereal for breakfast, fruit for lunch and veggies for dinner.
* You don't really have much of a schedule. I mean you do close to the same thing everyday but nothing is set in stone and you are pretty flexible. You take between 2 short naps and 1 longer nap in the afternoon. You are usually ready for a nap around 4:30 or 5 but with you going to bed around 6:30 or 7 it hard to squeeze that one in during the week.
* You are wearing size 2 diapers and 6-9 month clothing. Most of you clothes are getting to tight though.
* I haven't weighed you but I would guess 16-17 lbs.
You are a wonderfully baby and we are so happy to call you ours!! You are so chunky but I wouldn't have it any other way.