Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!
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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cousin Time

This morning we headed over to Mini & Papa Gus's house (Trey's parents) to head out and see baby Landen. My sister in law drove down this morning to do a few things in town so we got to hang out with Landen!! I think him and Colton are going to be good buddies one day soon and of course Frankie loves him.

Loving on Landen!

So sweet! Frankie is so good with babies!

They were watching TV and would not look at me.

Frankie said I needed to take a picture of his babies. Haha!

We tried to get a picture of all 3 of the boys, this is the best I have out of 15 pictures. I guess there was to much going on.


Mimi gave Frankie a "surprise" for eating all of his lunch. I was thinking a piece of candy but a new t-Rex will do. Haha!!

We had so much fun! Hopefully we can all get together again soon. Now the boys are napping then off to the SEMO basketball game!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentines Day

Valentines Day was just like any other day at our house.  Although the boys did wear festive outfits!  I have really been trying to be better about taking a lot of pictures.  It's so easy with one but then when I have two it has been a little harder but I think I have still done a pretty good job.  Anyway I got Colton dressed and took a few pictures before Frankie got up.

Then Frankie got up and this was the best picture I could get.  Yes Trey got him ready and thought that it was acceptable to send him to the baby sitters with his hair looking like that.  Haha!

 BOOKS!!!!  Frankie loves to read and I hope that Colton will too!
 A few minutes about the above picture Colton fell over and hit his head.  This is Frankie's concerned face.

These were taken after day care.  I love these boys.  We had dinner at home and went to bed like usually around 9.  My parents did come over and surprise the boys with a few gifts and it was fun to hang out with them for a little bit.  Trey and I didn't get each other anything but on Saturday we went out shooting with a few friends and then Trey and I went to dinner.  It was great to have so adult/alone time.  Happy Valentines Day!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

STL Weekend

Trey has been working every weekend since Christmas so we really haven't got to do much as a family on the weekends.  We have been wanting to visit baby Landen and see our best friends new house.  Last weekend we packed up and headed to St. Louis, I took off Friday because Trey works every Sunday so we really only had Friday and Saturday.  We had a blast!!!  I took a lot of pictures but they were with my cell phone and don't turn out very good when I put them on the computer.  I did get a few with the camera though.  Next time I must be better about using the camera.
 Colton & Landen...They are going to be best buddies.
They were sitting up playing and reading books together too.
 Waiting so quietly for our table to eat dinner.
 Daddy & Colton at Aunt Trisha & Uncle Christian's house
Lone Elk Park in Fenton.
 It was not that cool but at least I can say I have been there, right?
 On the way out we all went to Krispy Kreme!!!

We had so much fun and so many great memories were made.  Can't wait till we all get to hang out again!!







Colton- 7 Months

You are a momma's boy!!  You hardly let daddy to hold you, especially if you can hear or see me in the room.  You have the sweetest smile and cutest laugh.  They both just melt my heart.  You are getting to be such a big boy!  Pretty soon you will be crawling around and then we are all in trouble.  Haha!!  You love to watch Frankie do anything, which I find to be very cute.  Frankie also adores you and always plays with you and tells you "it's ok mommy is coming" when you start to cry.  My moments with you guys are so sweet.  I hope you are still best of friends when you get older.
*  Your skin has finally cleared up!!  You have soft baby skin and finally have some hair!!  We are still doing cream and lotion but now only 2 times a day.  You still have some skin issues but they are 100 times better than they were.
*  You can roll over like a pro now and I have even found you across the room several times when I have had to help brother do something.
* We introduced veggies.  Your favorite is sweet potatoes, but you honestly like all of them.  You are also eating your meals in the bumbo instead of the bounce seat.
* You have really started reaching for everything and nothing is safe.  You don't care what it is but if you can reach it you will grab it.  You are also really into grabbing faces, especially the nose.
*  You are finally sleeping completely un-swaddled and have been for a few weeks.
*  You love your jumporoo.  Your legs are so strong I sometimes feel like you will jump out. 
*  You can sit up all by your self.  You still fall over a lot but you can do it for a while all by your self!
*  I started sleep training you on 1/26/13 and I have to say it was the best thing I could have done for both of us.  The first night you cried for 60 minutes, the second night for 50 minutes and the third night for 40 minutes.  You have slept through the night quit a bit but still get up some but, usually not more than once a night.  Usually I can just go in and give you your paci and burp cloth and you go right back to sleep.  This have been much better than the 2-4 times you were getting up!!  You have really made me one happy and proud momma!
*  You take 5- 6oz bottles a day.  You also have breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Usually rice cereal for breakfast, fruit for lunch and veggies for dinner.
*  You don't really have much of a schedule.  I mean you do close to the same thing everyday but nothing is set in stone and you are pretty flexible.  You take between 2 short naps and 1 longer nap in the afternoon.  You are usually ready for a nap around 4:30 or 5 but with you going to bed around 6:30 or 7 it hard to squeeze that one in during the week.
*  You are wearing size 2 diapers and 6-9 month clothing.  Most of you clothes are getting to tight though.
*  I haven't weighed you but I would guess 16-17 lbs.

You are a wonderfully baby and we are so happy to call you ours!!  You are so chunky but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Super Bowl & Cuteness

Super Bowl Sunday we just had a few people over.  Mainly because I wanted junk food and would feel bad to just have it all for Trey and myself.  Haha!  It was really fun to eat and hang out with everyone.  Man I must say that "watching" the Super Bowl has really changed now that kids are in the mix. :) 
 Colton helping me get things ready while Frankie was napping.
 Hiding under the couch pillow.
 The boys playing cars.
 His cheeks crack me up.
My sweet little boys!
 Trying this new bath thing out.  Not sure that he like it yet.
 All clean!
 He loves being naked!
 I think he was in trouble here but too cute not to take a picture!

Both of my loves!!!

Born Learning & SEMO Basketball Game

Man I can't believe it has been that long since I have posted anything.  I must say I have been going to bed around 8:30 but Colton is starting to sleep really well so hopefully I will be able to stay caught up with blogging and many other things now. :)  Last weekend we had a lot of fun!  The first Saturday of every month the Cape Girardeau library has Born Learning.  Sometimes it's just reading a book and singing songs but this one was all about drums.  They had a tin drum band from SEMO come play.  They played all kinds of kid music and the kids got to play with homemade drums.  My mom always goes with us and sometimes even takes Frankie without me.  This time Whitney, Brynn & Ryan joined the fun too!

 Ningee & Colton
 Mister Serious
 The Band
 Playing music with Whitney & Brynn
(As I am typing this I am just noticing Colton in the middle.  Haha!)

 Getting into it, now!
 Silly Girl!
Ningee & her grandbabies!
That evening we went to a SEMO Basketball game with my dad and his friend Bo.  We originally planned to take Colton but he woke up kind of fussy from his nap.  Since my mom wasn't going she kept him for us and I think they had a blast!  I think it's also very important that we do things just with Frankie sometimes so it worked.  Frankie really enjoys going to the games.  He loves all the different things that go on and of course the music.  It was Rowdy's birthday and some of the local school's and restaurant's mascot were there.  Frankie is not to fond of mascots of any kind but did do a little better this time.
 This was the best we could do.  He did give the SE Missourian dog a high five right before this though.  (Side note: he thought the Little Caesar's guy was a sheep)
 Trying to get close to another one.
 Ice cream with Papa