Our Family

Our Family

About Erin

I was born and rasied in Cape Girardeau. After college I got married and we moved to St. Louis a year later. Soon after we bought a house and had a baby. Our lastest adventure was deciding to bring our family back to Cape! It's great being so close to both sets of grandparents and family!
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Frankie 20 & 21 Months

We went to a SEMO basketball game (it was Rowdy's birthday so Fredbird came to help celebrate). The whole game Frankie kept saying bird, where's he go. I spotted Fredbird walking up in the stair in a section close to our so I thought you would love to see him up close. Boy was I wrong. You were screaming and were so scared. As soon as you calmed down some you kept asking for him. It was really funny but I don't think I had full hearing in that ear for a week.
This was Superbowl Sunday. We were down in Aunt Katie's modeling room playing while the boys were watching the game.
Rocking Mo Mouse on your Rock-N-Frog. You are so very sweet to Mo Mouse!
Helping Grammy and Momma make cookies.
What happened, it wasn't me!!!
You are growing up way to fast my friend. It's hard to believe that we are only 3 months away from your 2nd birthday. Each day you seem to pick up on something new and find a new way to impress me. Plus you are repeating everything that we say; we really have to be careful with what we say. You defiantly keep us on our toes constantly. You can go from playing with something and being perfectly content to needing us to sit and play with you the entire night. I think that you have been getting teeth for the past few months and have been pretty fussy off and on in the evenings. Your memory is amazing, you can retain so many thing even if you only hear or see them once. You also have good listening skills and can comprehend things that we ask you to do. We are going to a tumbling class every Monday for 30 minutes to build on your skills. You do pretty well for the first 15 minutes and then you kind of just want to do whatever you want, but you have been improving each week. We meet with Heidi from Parents as Teachers (PAT) every few months, she tells us what we should be working on for your age group. So far each time we me you are right on track! You love Mickey Mouse and still call him Mo Mouse, you sing to him all the time. You also love Dora and Elmo (Melmo) even though we don't really watch them on TV, you point them out whenever you see them.
Funny Things You Do: When you jump you just squat down and then come back up. It is so cute!! You know where your eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, arms, hands, knee, legs, toe, belly, belly button & boobies are. You put your finger to your mouth and say shh. I am sure there are a ton more things that you do but that is all I can think of right now.
New Words/Sounds: You say nap, up, down, out, off, hurt, broke, oh no, where'd it go, and did you toot. You also now know what a frog and bird say. You call a banana a ba boo, you say medis for medicine and pacha boo for peek a boo. You also not call Grammy Gin Gee.
Eating Habits: You are still pretty much the same here. You are still not very good at geeting the food onto the fork but like to feed yourself. You say help while we are eating and that means that you would like us to put food on your fork so you can feed yourself. You eat breakfast sometimes, but it has to be something you picked out. You tend to request stuff like a pop tart, pancake or cereal. You always eat the entire pancake with our help and you eat most of the cereal if it has milk on it. Lots of times you eat in the car on the way to the babysitters because you wouldn't eat before we left the house. You then have a morning snack, if you are home with us you get to eat whenever you ask for a snack. You have lunch around 11 or 11:30. Then an afternoon snack after nap. YOu also like to snack on the way home fromt he babysitters. You still for the most part eat what we eat for dinner, if it is something spicy I will make you something different. Your eating habits go in spells, sometime you eat a ton and other times you hardly eat anything. You are still big into veggies and you like fruits and any kinds of snacks.
Sleeping Habits: You are an amazing sleeper. You typically take anywhere from a 2 1/2 - 3 hour nap in the afternoon. Then we put you to bed around 8:45 - 9 pm (after bath and bedtime story) and you sleep until I go in to get you at 7 am. Sometimes on the weekends you will even sleep or at least stay in your bed until 7:30 am. You still have attempted to climb out of your crib and every day when I go into get you, you are still laying down waiting for me to come in. Most morning you can be heard singing to Mo Mouse or talking up a storm.
You are the most amazing little boy a mommy and daddy could ask for. You bring so much joy to our lives and can't image life without you. You are such a smart little boy. We love to watch yuou learn and try new things. Pretty soon if you aren't there already you will be reach those terrible twos but I think we can handle it, because you smile can fix anything.
Clothing Size: 18 months
Diaper Size: 4 (Pampers are still a little big but a 3 would be to small)
Number of Teeth: I know that there are 8 on the top and I think that with the ones that are coming in there are 8 on the bottom. Not 100% sure because you won't let me look in there.

Belly Pictures

16 weeks and growing!!!
17 weeks.
18 weeks. I think it depends on how soon these are taken after
I eat. Sometimes the week before looks bigger.
19 weeks!!
Frankie is showing us his baby and pointing to momma's baby.
We are trying to figure out if I am showing high or low???
Well next week we will be half way there. It is so hard to believe that I will be 20 weeks on Monday. The time is just flying by!! We can't wait to find out if this little baby is going to be a he or a she. :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Oh What a Crazy Saturday!!!

Saturday me, mom and Frankie all jumped in the car and headed to St. Louis. Our first stop was to lunch with the "Bible Study" group (we call my mom's friends the bible study). We had a good lunch at First Watch and then headed to Emily and Sloane's baby shower. The theme and decor were great!!! Below are pictures from her shower.
How adorable are these cupcakes!!!
The food spread was amazing too!! (I might have stole a few ideas from my sister in-laws baby shower that I am planning :)
Just so cute!!
Here is Emily the mommy to be!! Sloane will be here soon! We could only stay at the baby shower for 30 minutes because had a 40 minute drive to Anna's 2nd birthday party that had already started. We were excited that we could make it to both things though because they are both very special to us!! :)
We got there just in time for cupcakes. At first Frankie wasn't really into it becuase he fell alseep right before we got there, so we had to wake him to go into Anna's party.
Loved the cupcake!! Lisa and Alex did a great job making them.
It was Elmo themed, so sweet. Frankie was calling him Malmo. But really didn't care for the big balloon.
He is getting down on the dance floor.
Yelling to get him out of there. He still isn't the best climber but we are working on it. Once Anna's party was over we had to high tale it back to Cape for a wedding recpetion for Tori and Dave that started at 5.
Here I am with the beautiful bride. (Side Note: dresses really don't do anything for prego people)
A little sugar never hurt anybody right???
Couldn't go with out seeing Aunt Trish!!!
It was a crazy day but a great day!!! We had so much fun and crashed hard that evening!!!