We had a crazy fun weekend!!! On Saturday we hit the road to STL. Oh course I realized after we left the house that I forgot to grab diapers, wipe and dog food----- 3 of the most important things. Not to worry nothing a quick trip to Target won't fix. It never fail, I spent Friday night laying thing out, packing thing and the car to forget diapers, oh well. Once we got to STL we went to Wyatt's first birthday party, then off to lunch with one of Trey's old co-workers and then to Ashley for the evening. By the time we got to Ashley's Frankie and Trey were both pretty exhasted. They ended up taking nap and Ashley and I hit the mall. Then that evening we went out to eat with Jeremy and Laura for Laura's 30th birthday then back to Ashley for ice cream cake. On Sunday we got up and headed to Jeremy and Laura's to hang out. We went to Joanie's Pizza in Soulard for lunch and then went to Botanical Gardens. It was really hot but all of the flowers were well worth the sweat!! Frankie was a perfect little angle the entire weekend!! Hope you enjoy all of the pictures from the weekend.
Playing with Wyatt's new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse chair.
We are so thankful for everyone that is serving our country or who have served---this is your day. I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day!!! Support our Troops today and everyday!!!!